The Foggy Brain
Have you ever felt like someone threw a blanket over your head? Or that you know you can think, but the thoughts just will not come? Maybe you feel like you’re swimming through life and everything is just thick and heavy?
There are as many causes of brain fog there are people who got it. Here are some of the well-known causes:
- 1. Medication
- 2. High sugar
- 3. Dehydration
- 4. Poor diet
- 5. Lack of exercise
- 6. Lack of sleep
- 7. Lack of sunlight
For most people, if they had a diet filled with vegetables and they drink plenty of water, numbers 2 through 4 would be eliminated, and by extension number one would be eliminated (since the most of all health problems are caused by a bad diet).
Of course, there are other causes of brain fog. We’re going to be talking about some of them later on and how to avoid the issues.
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How Long Does Brain Fog Last?
For people who are relatively healthy and have a good diet, brain fog may only last a few hours when you do something the body doesn’t like. But, most people know brain fog as a perpetual, never-ending state that they only experience brief reprieve of. These fleeting times that their mind clears, lets them know that they’re existing in the fog.
How Does Brain Fog Start?
While not a valid medical condition that can be pinpointed to a start date, brain fog will sneak up on you slowly. Even children experience brain fog when they’re tired. Most people finally notice they have brain fog when it begins to impact their life. They become too tired and too sluggish to do the activities they truly want to do.
Why Does Brain Fog Come and Go?
If you look at most of the causes, you realize that we have control over all of them. There are some days that people eat better than others, spend more time in the sun, or get a better night’s sleep. When the body is able to recharge and get the nutrients it needs to produce energy, brain fog will lift. Then, you go back to doing things your body doesn’t like and the brain fog settles in again. And you may not even realize you are doing things the body doesn’t like.
Even for people who have conditions that cause brain fog that they cannot change, using diet and exercise that helps the body be as healthy as can be, not only helps the body to lift brain fog, but it also reduces the symptoms and causes of each of the problem. We're going to expand on those a little later on.
How Does Brain Fog Make You Feel?
Everyone describes brain fog a little bit different. Most people associate it with a heavy feeling, as if something is blocking their thoughts. They know they have the ability to do more, think more, and be more productive, they just can’t.
We’re here to change that. Read on to find out what’s going on with you and some of the solutions known to be able to fix it.
Issues Associated
What Causes Brain Fog after Eating?
Most people know they get sleepy after eating a big pasta meal, and that is because they have consumed too many sugars and ate way too much food. Any meal or food that contains a lot of sugar will cause brain fog. After you get the sudden rush from the sugar high, your body falls into a deep fatigue. Combined with a full stomach, this is a perfect recipe for brain fog and tiredness.
Eating too much food at once, even healthy food is bad for you.
One of the easiest ways to avoid this is simply avoid eating a large meal, eating only what your stomach can handle, and keeping the pasta to a minimum.
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In other words:
Eat more fruits and vegetables!
Brain Fog when Hungry
When you are hungry, your body lacks either sugar or nutrients in order to function properly. Most of the time, its sugar. The brain runs on glucose, so when you lack sugar, the brain is no longer able to function properly. It’s why when you eat something, the brain fog will lift almost instantly – the sugars get absorbed quickly. One of the cautions with this is that if you experience your sugars going up and down often, this is a precursor to diabetes. Changing your diet to avoid those ups and downs is the only way to solve it.
Brain Fog when Fasting
Fasting is becoming increasingly popular because it works to help normalize the body and helps the digestive system. However, if you are not doing a fast with a trained nutritionist or doctor, you could run into some severe problems. If you experience brain fog while fasting, it’s a sign that your body is not getting enough nutrition and did not have enough stored vitamins and minerals in order to support the fast. The brain fog comes from your body not being able to provide your brain with enough nutrients to function.
In most cases, when you begin eating again, you get the nutrition in order to allow your brain to function properly. Next time, work with a nutritionist or a doctor and you will avoid this issue.
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Brain Fog on Low Carb Diet
A lower carb diet is ideal for health. However, transitioning to this diet can cause brain fog. It’s because the reduced amounts of sugar cause a great depletion in our energy. Since the brain uses so much energy, is one of the first organs to feel the effects.
Brain fog is just the brain not functioning at full capacity. As you continue on the low carb diet, our bodies will switch over to using other sources of energy and your brain function will return. Generally, people go on low-carb diets often find their energy levels increasing and their brain fog decreasing.
Brain Fog due to Dehydration
Dehydration may be the top cause of brain fog. It vies for the number one spot with processed foods. When your brain does not have enough fluids, the neurons are not able to fire as efficiently and certain processes are simply shut down. A headache is awesome one of the first signs. We were command getting well more than the eight glasses of water per day. That way, you can make sure you have enough fluid in your system to combat any effects of dehydration.
Brain Fog from Iron Deficiency
Iron is the main binder for our hemoglobin. When our iron is low, the blood is not able to transport oxygen efficiently to the body. This results in depression and fatigue. Because the brain uses nearly 20% of our oxygen, it can result in a brain fog. There are several causes of iron deficiency and it’s best you work with your doctor to discover the cause.
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Pregnancy Brain Fog
During pregnancy, the hormones in a woman’s body can fluctuate from nearly nothing to horribly excessive. These fluctuating hormones cause all sorts of changes in the woman’s body and that can cause brain fog. Unless this is a condition that occurred before pregnancy, generally the brain fog will disappear once the baby’s born. However, once the baby’s born, brain fog caused by a lack of sleep is highly likely.
Brain Fog after Having a Baby
The main cause of brain fog after having a baby is simply the lack of sleep. Babies typically wake up every 2 to 3 hours. It is not something adults are used to. Also, for the mother, her body is getting back to normal hormone levels, which can cause all sorts of reactions. Fatigue and brain fog are very common for new parents.
The only remedy is sleep.
Brain Fog with Period
During your period, your body changes from producing estrogen to progesterone. The sudden drop in estrogen levels can cause your brain fog. One of the easiest ways to remedy this is to eat a diet that is low in sugar. You can also try supplementing with evening primrose oil. Both these are well known for helping to reestablish your body.
Evening primrose oil:
What Causes Brain Fog in Menopause?
Similar to pregnancy, menopause changes a woman’s hormones. With these changes in hormones, comes changes in brain chemistry. Brain fog is one of the most common changes as often times a woman’s hormone and energy levels will become greatly depressed. That depression is similar to regular depression and will cause similar symptoms. Unfortunately, most women just need to wait out menopause. Hormone replacement therapy can help some women, but not all. Diet can help mitigate the symptoms.
Depression Brain Fog
Depression comes in many forms with many causes. The most common causes of depression are a reduction in the hormones of serotonin and dopamine. You can actually check out this article for information on how to increase your serotonin levels.
The depression in hormones that cause happiness, namely serotonin, and dopamine, are also partially responsible for helping to keep your clear-headed and functioning well. As these hormone levels drop, so too does your thinking.
Depression is a serious issue and one you want to work with your doctor to resolve. Sometimes, this can be resolved with a diet change and exercise. Most of the time, a short course (less than 6 months) of antidepressants will help to stabilize your brain chemistry. Once you’re stabilized, you can get off the medication and function normally. However, you should never stop a course of antidepressants on your own without the supervision of a your doctor.
This type of brain fog takes the form of a lack of desire and a lack of care. People also described the feeling of heaviness and as if the outside world can’t pierce the fog. If you’re feeling this kind of symptoms, talk to your doctor immediately.
Brain Fog when Exercising
When you exercise, you use up with a tremendous amount of stored glucose (sugar) in your body. Your brain runs on glucose. When you experience brain fog while you are exercising, that’s a big sign your sugars have dropped below their normal level. Your brain is actually being robbed of the sugars it needs to function.
And for an organ that accounts for about 2% of our body weight, it uses over 20% of our sugar stores. You can chase away the brain fog with a simple sugar drink, like the so-called “energy” drinks * (which are nothing more than sugar waters) or juices.
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Brain Fog when Nervous
When we are nervous, our brain is working overtime to process all of the information we are receiving. Certain areas of the prefrontal cortex and the thalamus gland help filter out unnecessary information. However, when you are nervous, much of this information is deemed necessary so you experience it all. The brain fog comes from the inability to process all of this information. One way around this is to be able to focus your thoughts on to one topic. Meditation helps greatly with this.
Brain Fog when Stressed
When stressed, the brain works in overdrive. It produces the hormone cortisol, which causes us to store fat and crave sugars. It also helps depress our thoughts. Way back when we were still evolving, periods of stress were short with a long recovery time. Having this reaction of producing cortisol actually helped us. It was a great survival tool.
Today, people experiencing stress on a near-constant basis. It is unhealthy and is causing a great many medical problems. Being able to leave the stressful situation and resetting your brain and your body will help lift the brain fog.
Brain Fog with Anxiety
Similar to nervousness, anxiety is a condition that a person perceives there is a threat. This could be something as simple as standing on a stage in front of people to something that threatens your life. You begin to take in more information than your brain can process, which creates a brain fog in order to just survive.
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Similar to stress, anxiety also produces cortisol. Cortisol acts as a depressant and when your mind is depressed, it does not function as it should. The higher-level anxiety you get, the greater the brain fog will be.
If you have chronic anxiety, we recommend talking to your doctor to discover its source. Often times, a short course of antidepressants can help stabilize your brain chemistry. Once your brain chemistry is stabilized, you can work with a professional to come to terms with the cause of your anxiety.
Brain Fog when Waking Up
Moving from sleeping states to a wakeful state is a big transition for a brain. You move from the delta waves or gamma waves of the brain, which indicate very slow and steady thought processes, to beta waves, which is fully awake consciousness. This is a huge transition for our brain and actually, involves the firing of different types of neurons.
It’s actually detrimental to force your body to wake up instantly. You can help remove brain fog by allowing your body to wake up slowly and begin to move slowly. Over the course of a couple of minutes, you can transition your body into motion and with that the brain into the proper functioning mode. It is normal to need a few minutes to transition from sleep to wakefulness, especially if you woke up with an alarm. But, if it takes more than a few minutes to be fully awake, there may be other medical factors occurring.
Sit up in your bed for at least 12 sec after you wake up for stabilizing your blood flow.
Brain Fog due to Lack of Sleep
Lack of sleep causes brain fog because the healing aspects of sleep have not been active. Our brains actually need to dream. Without that restful sleep and the healing that goes with it, we just can’t think clearly.
While the exact mechanism has not been identified, scientists believe it’s a combination of hormone disruption and built up waste material. One of the best things to do is to fall asleep when you get tired and wake up when you are done sleeping. If you have to wake up with an alarm, try going to sleep earlier.
Brain Fog from Oversleeping
While not getting enough rest causes brain fog, sleeping too much can do the same thing. This is because the brain never fully wakes up. There is a few medical condition that cause oversleeping, but in most people, it’s generally from a lack of exercise. When you incorporate exercise into your life, you’ll find your body sleeping properly and you’ll be awake when you want to be awake.
Brain Fog when Reading
There are two types of brain fog when you read: the sensation of being in a faraway place and falling asleep while you’re reading.
When you read a good story, your brain creates a whole world. You experience that world, and you actually cannot tell the difference between that imaginary world and the real world. By putting your effort into what you are reading, you are creating the fog between you and the real world. This is not a bad condition, but it can cause problems if you cannot separate the imaginary world and the real world.
However, if you are falling asleep when you are reading, it could be that you are too tired to read. There are also some styles of writing that are very dry and monotonous which can lull certain people into falling asleep. This happens to me when I read my organic chemistry book. I am interested in the subject, but the rhythm and the cadence of the text lull me to sleep. We suggest changing books at this point.
Brain Fog without Caffeine
Caffeine is a great and safe stimulant. But if you get brain fog without caffeine, we suggest getting more sleep or weaning yourself off of the caffeine addiction. The caffeine removes brain fog by making your brain function correctly. It accelerates your thought processes to what you feel as regular.
But, it does not actually solve the problem. If you need caffeine in the morning, we suggest getting more sleep. If you find yourself requiring caffeine just to keep going during the day, we suggest withdrawing caffeine altogether and figuring out what the true problem is. Remember, caffeine is a stimulant and over time and with large doses, it can cause serious health problems.
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Brain Fog without Adderall
Medications to treat ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are stimulants. However, in children, the stimulant action actually depresses the brain functions. The medication actually creates brain fog.
There is a function of the brain called sensory gating. In people with ADHD, this sensory gating does not function properly and too much information enters the brain. It’s the reason why children with ADHD get distracted so quickly. The medications depress the brain and all that extra sensory information does not get it through.
When you take away Adderall, the brain begins functioning with all of the sensory input. It can actually create its own brain fog in order to suppress the amount of information. Without all of the information going in, thoughts become clearer and focus can be maintained. We know that sounds a little contradictory, but remember in children, stimulants actually create depression.
Brain Fog and Headaches
Headaches can cause brain fog because the pain will depress our thought patterns. Many times, stress, a lack of nutrients, and dehydration cause our headaches and they are the same things that cause brain fog. Brain fog in itself will not cause a headache. And a headache does not necessarily mean brain fog. Commonly though, they do occur together.
Brain Fog with a Migraine
A migraine is very painful. And anyone who has had one will tell you they have experienced some sort of brain fog as they get it. Most of the time, the brain fog is caused by the pain. But, there are other factors that could cause it.
Lack of magnesium * can cause migraines and brain fog. A pinched nerve can cause a chronic distraction, often perceived as brain fog, and migraines. A migraine is something you want to have checked out by a doctor. Repeated migraines are a sign of a more serious health issue.
Brain Fog with Sjogren's Syndrome
This is an autoimmune disorder where the mucous membranes and the synovial fluids dry out. Dehydration is a constant companion. When the body dries out, the brain dries out as well. Dehydration causes a lapse and thinking, similar to brain fog. While this is an autoimmune issue cannot be cured, drinking plenty of water can help produce and eliminate the signs of brain fog.
Brain Fog with Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus
The autoimmune factors that cause rheumatoid arthritis can also cause a hormonal issue which can cause brain fog. Most of the time, the arthritis is not the cause of the brain fog. The fog comes from poor eating habits and dehydration. It also comes from the lack of exercise as people try to avoid the pain of motion. In this case, exercise is one of your best friends, as is drinking plenty of water.
Brain Fog with Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is another autoimmune issue that is caused by the protein gluten. As the autoimmune issues flare up, it causes hormonal and other issues within the body. Typically, pain and illness caused the brain fog. Avoiding wheat is the only solution.
This is slightly different than gluten intolerance, where the digestive system is being harmed by the gluten, but the immune system is not reacting. This causes brain fog because as the digestive system is harmed, it cannot absorb nutrients. As we lack nutrients, we get brain fog and other health problems.
Brain Fog with Low Thyroid or Why Does Hypothyroidism Cause Brain Fog?
Any issue that causes low thyroid hormones in your system will cause low energy production. When you have no energy, it translates into being tired and having brain fog. The brain fog comes from this hormone imbalance.
There are several ways to treat low thyroid issues, the first one being to avoid processed foods and chemicals. Most of the chemicals found in processed foods are known to depress thyroid function. By supplementing your diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, you provide your body with the nutrition it needs to reestablish your hormone levels. If that doesn’t work, hormone replacement therapy may be required.
Brain Fog with Sinus Infection or Cold
When your body has an illness, your energy goes into fighting off the bacteria or virus. Especially when you have a head cold or sinus infection, your body can feel very tired and lethargic. The sinus infection can also place pressure on your sinus cavity, which can cause a small amount of pain similar to a headache. All of these factors can lead to brain fog. Until you were well, there is no remedy. Fortunately, chicken soup is a great remedy for the cold.
Brain Fog due to Constipation
We don’t often think of a bowel movement playing with our minds. But when your immune system and nearly half of our hormone production is within our intestines, that makes sense. When you are constipated, the backed up fecal matter places pressure on your lower abdomen, this depresses hormone function and can cause dehydration. It can make you feel tired and heavy. Many people feel angry or depressed before a bowel movement. A similar function happens with brain fog.
Why Does Candida Cause Brain Fog?
Candida is a bacteria that grows within our digestive system. It is natural and it is actually necessary. The problem comes when we eat too many sugars and the bacteria grows out of control. It can cause a yeasty smell on our skin, thrush in the mouth, and brain fog.
The reason why is because the bacteria pushes out the good bacteria that produces vitamins and other healing factors. It depresses our immune system and can change hormonal functions. When the bacteria is under control, many health factors are erased. We recommend eating lots of fruits and vegetables because the bacteria grows with a high sugar diet.
Brain Fog due to Alcohol
Alcohol is a depressant, and it causes brain fog. Simply drinking any amount of alcohol will cause brain fog. The more alcohol you drink, the worse the effects. Even alcoholics experience the brain fog. We do not recommend drinking alcohol in excess and know that any alcohol you drink will cause a depression in your brain activity.
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Why Do Allergies Cause Brain Fog?
Allergies trigger a histamine reaction and histamine causes an immune reaction. As the immune system reacts, brain function is often depressed. In addition, sinus pressure can also cause brain fog. Antihistamines are away to repress the allergy reaction, and they can help clear up brain fog if you do not have a reaction to the antihistamines. Otherwise, you could help your body avoid allergic reactions by reducing a number of allergens you are exposed and by making sure your diet is as healthy and free of chemicals as possible.
Brain Fog with Sensitivity to Light
A tremendous amount of sensory data is transmitted or brain via our eyes. Bright lights multiply that data. When you have brain fog, bright lights and the amount of data that is going to your brain from your eyes simply becomes overwhelming. It can cause pain, depression, or even more fog.
Brain Fog and Epilepsy
Brain fog and epilepsy do not cause each other. However, they are often found together. Epilepsy is caused by misfires in the brain. When the brain is not functioning properly, this can cause depression, behavioral problems and of course brain fog. Anti-epilepsy drugs and a diet that removes triggers help greatly. Other than healthy diet, we do not recommend trying any at-home remedies. The brain is not something you want to play with.
Brain Fog with Inflammation
When one part of the body has inflammation, generally, all parts of the body will be inflamed. This includes the brain. When inflammation occurs in the brain, it causes a depression and foggy thoughts. It can delay neural impulses, trigger hormone disruption, and even suppress the supply of nutrients to the brain.
It’s best to discover the cause of inflammation and remove the cause. However, for people with autoimmune issues, this is more difficult. Keeping your diet and lifestyle free of chemicals greatly helps reduce inflammation. Exercise is all so wonderful for helping the body.
Brain Fog with Nausea
Brain fog and nausea are generally two separate conditions. However, most people find when they are nauseous, they can think of little else. It’s similar to brain fog. If you are experiencing both at the same time, it can be an indication of a gastrointestinal virus. If it occurs more than a couple of days, we recommend seeing a doctor because that is an indication of something more serious.
Brain Fog and Dizziness
Brain fog and dizziness are two separate issues. They have different causes and different treatments. Some people experience brain fog just prior to a dizzy spell, but it is only a precursor, part of the dizziness. Being dizzy more than just on a rare occasion can be a signal of a larger health problem. We recommend you see your doctor if this is the case.
A little dizziness now and then is not a problem. It can be a sign of low sugar, low blood pressure or many other issues.
However, if you are getting brain fog with dizziness often, this can be a sign of several health problems. The top ones your doctor will check for will be low blood pressure and diabetes.
Never ignore any problem that occurs repeatedly.
Brain Fog from Brain Tumors
This is one of those medical conditions that we have to recommend you talking to your doctor for. While most of the time brain fog is caused by a poor diet and dehydration, occasionally brain tumors do pop up. If you notice, a brain tumor did not even make our most common list at the beginning of this article. It isn’t uncommon condition.
However, if you change your diet, drink plenty of water, and exercise and you still find you have brain fog, we recommend talking to your doctor. They will be able to make sure there are no tumors that are causing an issue.
Brain Fog and Diabetes
Brain fog is often a side effect of diabetes, or rather having too much sugar in your system. Because diabetes as a result of improper insulin usage within the body, the sugar may be available for the brain to use, but there might not be enough insulin to move the sugar into the cells. Your brain may be starving for sugar while swimming in it. Most people find when they change their diets and reduce the number of sugars they were taken, not only does their diabetes improve, but the brain fog often lifts.
Brain Fog Natural Remedies
How to Clear and Prevent Brain Fog
Take a look at the top 7 reasons we have for the causes a brain fog. You’ll see most of them can actually be solved by eating a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, has lots of water, and that you do exercise. What it does not directly solve, it indirectly solves. Getting more exercise will allow you to have more sleep. Eating a diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables and that has lots of water in it will help get you off medications. And want to become more active and feel better, getting out in the sun becomes easier and more fun.
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Many of the causes that we have listed above are solved with a good diet. Even things such as pregnancy, menopause, and other health issues can be made easier and better with a good diet and plenty of exercises. For example, in menopause, eating a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables and is devoid of estrogen-mimicking chemicals can help reduce mood swings, hot flashes, and weight gain. These are the biggest issues women have with menopause.
Other factors, like the bacterial overgrowth, are reduced with eating a good diet.
And a good diet is very simple. Make three-quarters of your diet fruits and vegetables and supplement the rest with meats from chemical-free, local sources, plenty of water, and 100% whole grains. Avoiding processed foods and chemicals makes this really easy.
Check out these juicing recipes for easier ways of getting in your vegetables.
Brain Fog Home Remedies
Eating a good diet is hard work. But there’s no easy cure for brain fog. Natural home remedies, supplements, and all the other do it yourself trucks are nothing more than that: tricks.
In the short-term, coffee can help clear your brain fog. It only lasts a couple hours and if you become addicted to the caffeine, that causes other health problems. Since coffee is a stimulant, it helps accelerate your brain and clear away the fog.
Dark chocolate is also good for helping to clear away brain fog. It contains a minor amount of caffeine and sugar, both of which are stimulants. It also contains a lot of phytonutrients that can help your body be healthy and strong. It is exceptionally good for your heart, as it can help reduce cholesterol and clear away plaque.
Vitamins and Supplements for Brain Fog
We have an excellent article here on different supplements and vitamins that can really help stimulate your brain, increase focus, and just help you think better. We’re going to try and sum up that really thorough article in just a few sentences here.
Most people are not getting enough vitamins. When you eat processed foods, vitamins are taken out because they encourage the growth of healthy tissues. When it’s not your healthy tissue, it’s bacteria. So getting your vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K is extremely important. Fortunately, if you’re eating lots of fruits and vegetables, you’re getting more than enough of these vitamins without having to supplement.
We also believe that most people need a lot more magnesium than what they are currently getting. Magnesium is used in over 300 processes in the body, and several studies have shown that anywhere from 75 to 95% of women are deficient in magnesium.
Zinc is important to everybody, but especially men. Zinc is very important for our immune system, so we don’t get sick. Men need a lot more because every time they ejaculate, they can lose between 1 and 3 milligrams of zinc.
Herbs for Brain Fog
Herbs are so wonderful because you can get so many nutrients in tasty and small packages. Ginkgo * and ginseng * are two of the most popular herbs used for helping increase brain function. They are well-known and have a long tradition of being used to help clear the mind. Just make sure you’re getting from farmed sources. Both of these are herbs are endangered in the wild and if we don’t take care, they could go extinct.
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Ginkgo and ginseng:
Green tea is also popular. Black tea has a small amount of caffeine which can give you both healing benefits of tea and a small pick me up.
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Nootropics for Brain Fog
There are so many nootropics out there that are wonderful blends of herbs and vitamins that can help you clear your brain fog. We suggest you check out these articles that we’ve written and see which one works best for you.
Probiotics for Brain Fog
You can help realign your gut naturally by taking in probiotics. Supplements can be hit-or-miss of whether you’re actually getting a good probiotic or whether they have a good balance of probiotics. Even a good probiotic in excess can be unhealthy. We have a few recommendations you can check out.
If you want to do it more naturally, just seek fermented foods. Sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, natural tofu, and over 100 more types of fermented foods exist. Each of them provides a slightly different combination of probiotics. Eating several of these per day in small amounts will give you billions and billions of healthy bacteria to help pre-populate your system and keep you healthy.
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Essential Oils for Brain Fog
While many companies will claim they can help you clear your brain fog using essential oils, this is a very touchy subject. With some companies out there being nearly shut down for misleading claims and other companies producing what equates to just bad oil, we recommend you work with a certified aromatherapist in order to create a blend that will work specifically for you. Essential oils can be toxic if used incorrectly which is why we really want you to use the certified aromatherapist.
Brain Fog Exercise
Exercise does so much good for our body. By helping of processor energy more efficiently and keeping our way down, exercise works wonders. In our brain, exercise it helps us to utilize the energy correctly, balance the hormones and help to sleep better. Well, the first couple days will be tough and may create uncomfortable conditions, if you stick with it, you’ll find your brain fog lifting and your health improves.
It actually doesn’t take much, either. Just 20 minutes 3 times a week can help your body be healthy. You can also start off with just five minutes per day. Any amount of exercise will be beneficial for your body.
Brain Fog Detox
Detoxing helps many conditions and it will help your brain fog. However, if you go back to doing the same things that cause the brain fog, to begin with, a detox is only a short-term and temporary solution. In fact, detoxing is actually what we recommend to clear your brain fog, to begin with: lots of fruits and vegetables, lots of water, and exercise. You don’t need a special plan to detox when it’s just switching your diet to being healthy.
Medicine for Brain Fog
While most people are causing their own brain fog, there are some conditions that require medication. There are doctors who treat brain fog specifically, but we’ve found that most doctors just don’t have that much information on it. They will call it other medical conditions, they may use chronic fatigue syndrome as a diagnosis or they might dismiss you totally.
If you still have constant brain fog, and you changed your diet, started drinking lots of water, and started exercising, something else and something more serious might be occurring. You will want to push your doctor to test for various issues like the brain tumor recommended earlier. There are other degenerative brain disorders, blood flow issues that may be restricting the passage of nutrients to your brain, or autoimmune issues that need to be treated.
If you discover severe brain fog that is set on suddenly, this is something your doctor needs to look at immediately. We recommend starting the diet and exercise and you will want to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Brain fog treatment comes in many forms. Some may use antidepressants to help realign brain chemistry or use depressants or stimulants, like Adderall, to help with focus issues. Rarely, however, is surgery required. You need to talk to your doctor and form a plan when true medical issues are causing your brain fog.
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Great article! My brain fog seems to be getting more consistent. Maybe it has to do with aging(79).
Hey, Ron!
Thank you for the compliment. As many people age, their mental synapses aren’t working as well as they once were. Using various supplements and brain enhancing nootropics can help reduce brain fog and stimulate memory. We also recommend keeping active and working on multiple puzzles, activities and expressly listen to or create music. We have articles on all of those throughout our website. 79 is a healthy, respectable age. Keep going forward and keep active.
Thank you!
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Hey, Laurie!
We glad to hear that from you. If you have Chrome browser installed on your computer or phone, you can simply press the red round button at the right lower corner while browsing our website from Chrome. This will add you to our notification list and you’ll get notification with every new publication. Meantime we haven’t other alternative way to add you.
Thank you!
This was truly informative. I do suffer from brain fog, more often than not. I had chemo 4 years ago and experienced “chemo brain.” It never completely cleared and I wonder sometimes if that is not what triggers the brain fog. I’m hopeful that what you have suggested will help. Thanks so much for all of these very important tips.
Hey Dianne!
Thank you for the compliment. We hope the suggestions can help you and please let us know how you fare with them. We look forward to hearing back from you.
I just read your brain fog article. I am suffering from it right now and think my medications are playing a role in it. My doctor is making me go on a wild goose chase for tests that haven’t shown anything. I’m frustrated and just want to feel better. Thanks for the article, I will start checking things off that I’ve done
Hey Pamela!
This is a terrible problem, one that many women go through. We recommend that you continue going through the various tests your doctor is recommending. At least you will know you are free of those types of diseases and problems. As a patient, you also have full rights to request a second opinion and have your medication reviewed to make sure it’s working for you. If you believe your medication is causing the problem, is your right as a patient to stop taking it. Just know, if you stop taking it, you could be setting yourself up for further problems. If you choose to stop taking your medication, be sure to do it with your doctor to avoid any complication.
Organic chemistry makes you have a brain fog. Hahaha it makes me feel more awake, reading in general gives me a brain fog. From now on I will try to like reading as much as physical sciences to stop having brain fogs :).
Hey Sonia!
We took two classes in organic chemistry to get our chemistry undergraduate degree, and organic chemistry was the hardest class we took. If you find reading about science, especially chemistry, helps you stay awake and stop having various brain fog issues, continue to do it. The sciences are extremely fascinating, and multiple studies are coming out every single day that will only improve our knowledge. You will never run out of things to read if you are learning science. If you venture into nutrition and physiology, you may discover vitamins and minerals that will improve your life.
Hey Joseph!
This is a complicated question. We recommend visiting a nutritionist and going over your diet, lifestyle, and supplements to determine if what you’re taking is truly helpful. A nutritionist will also help you put together a plan, so you get back your clear thinking and good energy. It may involve other supplements and diet change. Hope it helps.
Thank you!
There is no comments I have a question my relatives age 35 yrs gone in senseless as and when some time at the time seating in bed room, drawing room or car
Can u advice me what to do
Hey Binod!
This is a challenging situation. We recommend contacting one of the local aging or dementia specialists in your area and talk to them about what might be going on. They will be able to diagnose your relative with any potential problem and may be able to offer the best solution.
Will I experience brain fog after taking alkaline power .. i do suffer from arthritis in my hands and can’t take some arthritis meds due to high blood pressure..
Hey Ritha!
This can be a challenging problem. Alkaline powders are gimmicks that don’t work. At best, they may make you drink more water, but disrupt your digestive system and cause other problems. We recommend avoiding these scams. We recommend talking to a nutritionist about what herbal and nutritional supplements will help bring relief from both the pain and high blood pressure.
Thank you!
i suffered from brain fog due to ejaculation two year ago in 2016.when i masturbate 2 to 3 times in week then my brain can not function well just like before ejaculation. after ejaculation i fell in lack of concentration,focusing,lack of interest,poor thinking ,feel difficulties even in simple math.This situation remain for 1 week and then finish itself.when i comes out to sun then it quickly heals and vanish .Tried supplements omega 3 and l-carnitine but didn’t solve my brain fog .plz help me out in this regard
Hey Shabyy!
This is a complicated topic. Typically, men should not experience brain fog after ejaculation. It’s possible you may be experiencing a zinc deficiency, as zinc is critical for the formation of seminal fluid and prostate health. A lack of zinc can cause the other side effects you are feeling, such as loss of concentration. We recommend talking to a doctor or nutritionist to evaluate your supplement needs and try to discover where the exact problem lies.
Thank you!
Where was this article two years ago ? I’ve been getting horrible brain fog on and off since 2016 and it’s like it was still so hidden because I could never find any articles relating to what I felt, even my doctors acted like they didn’t know what I was talking about when I tried explaining how I constantly felt. I’m glad more people can understand now, I don’t get the cloudy head nearly as much anymore, only every once in a long while which I’m so thankful for, I hated it.
Hey Isabel!
I’m glad we were able to help you. We hope that you continue to feel better and share this information and your results so we can help more people.
One week ago, I started to experience vertigo. (I actually had just experienced it six weeks prior!) I want to the ENT doctor, and he performed the Epley maneuver. He told me that the next day I would probably feel like I had a hangover. Unfortunately, it has been five days today since the maneuver, and my head still feels cloudy. I hate this feeling…
Hey Debra!
That’s an unfortunate situation. We recommend contacting the doctor and letting them know what you feel. When vertigo comes on suddenly, and especially as it lingers, there is a deeper problem. Many of the solutions we have in this article may not work for you. We recommend working with a doctor to figure out what is going on. In the meantime, following the dietary and supplement recommendations in the article will improve your health. It may not eliminate vertigo, but it will not hurt your health.
Dear Team
Since last year I felt like my mind I stuck somewhere and is lost. I felt I am not present slowly I realized that it’s all cloudy and foggy in my head, feelings and emotions. The doctor put me on SSRIs. I got my vitamins b12 and d checked both were low. I am on drugs to increase them yet not many results on this foggy and u clear head. It is like constant for 7 8 months… I also got ct scan all clear. Even all hormonal profiles are normal. I got them tested as well. Seriously it makes me so much stressed and I am unable to work now.
Can anyone tell what else I should get checked up to c if any other issues are going on?
Hey Saeed!
We’re sorry to hear about your problem. There are hundreds of causes of brain fog, and we went over the top ones in our article. Many times, medication and a poor diet are the causes. We recommend working with your doctor or a nutritionist to figure out if the supplements you’re taking are helping out.
Hi Saeed, how are you ? Have you found something to stabilize your problem ? I am in the exact same issue and I’m working on with a doctor, we couldn’t find anything till now..
Hi Saeed, how are you ? Have you found something to stabilize your problem ? I am in the exact same issue and I’m working on with a doctor, we couldn’t find anything till now.
I was having joints pain in both hands inside and outside and muscle weakness due to multiple sclerosis (MS). I was falling a lot, I had headaches and lightheadedness. I couldn’t keep myself balanced and walk with a tremor like I cannot control my steps. I was on Copaxone, the first year was daily and later was 40 mg, 3 times a week. It didn’t make a tremendous difference for me. I’ve tried therapy, but it is not helping. I was seeking something to help regain my life to be able to do things for myself. It is frustrating when it feels like nobody is trying to help you find some relief. Through my primary physician I learnt about a (MS) herbal formula from NATURAL HERBAL GARDENS and their success rate with the treatment, I immediately started on the (MS) herbal protocol, I am glad to report the herbal formula worked effectively and there were no side effects, I had a total decline in symptoms, the joints pain, weakness and other symptoms stopped, my MS is totally REVERSED.
Hey Jacqueline!
Congratulations on getting that under control. We’ll check it out, and if we like it, we’ll post an article about it later.
Noticed disappearance of brain fog on the second day of taking Cellvamp supplement! I didn’t even expect much out of these pills, it wouldn’t have mattered if I get more focused or not. I just wanted to get rid of my brain fog for the first time in my life. This did just that! And I do notice myself focusing more at work and not zoning out as much. I would definitely continue taking them and have already recommended it to friends and family.
Hey, Jessica!
Thank you for sharing with us Cellvamp supplement. Although I didn’t find much information and any reviews about it except their official website. Maybe it’s a new supplement and not enough people used it until now. How did you find this supplement? Why did you decide to try it?
detailed and informative. Well done
This is the first time I read your posting and I loved it very much.
I wonder if I can continue receiving them on regular basis.
Best regards
Hey, Jorge Lemos!
You’re welcome! You can subscribe at the right lower corner of your screen and get a notification every time we publish a post.
Thank you so much for such an informative and well researched article. I have been looking for something like this for some time. I hope you don’t mind me typing out a little of my background with brain fog as I think it will help me.
I have been suffering with brain fog for some time now. I have found that it has had a real impact on my life. If I drink 2 standard alcoholic drinks it will usually take me 3-4 days to recover from the brain fog. I am currently trying out limiting myself to 1 drink, but may ultimately need to cut alcohol out completely. This has an impact on my social life and I would very much like to be able to have a few drinks with friends. But I have had to accept that this is not possible for me as the impact in the following days is not worth it.
The other triggers for me would be a lack of sleep, stress, too much caffeine/sugar and possibly as I am in the UK a lack of sunlight.
Anyway without going on too much. I am currently eating healthily with supplements and exercise regularly. I feel I am maximising each area I can. The next step is to accept that I may need to remove alcohol, after trialling the impact of 1 drink. The brain fog for me is really unpleasant. I would like to work towards a life where it is no longer present. I am grateful for your article which has helped me a lot.
Hey, Matthew!
It was very interesting to read your life story. I completely agree with you, the best is to cut out the alcohol from your life. But I think it’s an impossible task. Otherwise, you can limit your alcohol consumption to the minimum. Also, give yourself 8 hours of sleep each night so your body will get all the needed energy. You mentioned your healthy eating. Are you sure that you get all the vitamins and minerals from your healthy diet for your body? I’d advise you to go to your doctor and ask to make a blood test. So you can see what is happening inside your body. Maybe you have a lack of some minerals? Also, I’d advise you to consume caffeine as low as you can. All kinds of products contain caffeine, even the green tea. The best is to cut the caffeine out of your life. You will see how your body recovers and get a lot of energy. On the first day that is clear of the caffeine, you may feel the headaches but it will be over after one day.
I have more healthy tips for you, but will cut here:).
Thank you!