There are just a few vitamins and minerals that aid the brain. But, there are thousands of phytonutrients. Most people get these two terms confused, and that’s OK. We’re going to talk about all the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that aid the brain.
Scientists define a vitamin as any of a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body. Similarly, minerals also have the same definition, except we are never able to manufacture them. This is a rather long-winded way of say it’s stuff we need to eat in order to live.
But, vitamins and minerals aren’t the only things that make up who we are. Proteins, fats, and thousands of other nutrients are needed to properly create and maintain the body.
The brain is especially rich in nutrients because of the vast amount of work it does. There is nowhere else in the body that has such a high concentration of nutrients and such a diverse mix. We need certain vitamins for brain health, and whether we get them from food or supplements can be debated.
Difference Between Essential Vitamins and Minerals & Non-Essential: It Makes a Difference
There are some nutrients we need and others we can make ourselves. We require the nutrients listed as vitamins. We require the minerals in a multivitamin. But we don’t require them in supplement form.
If you are eating diet rich in fruits and vegetables, with quality meats, you will receive just about everything you could need. You don’t need supplementation.
Of course, the more processed foods you eat and the more you are exposed to toxins, the more you will require vitamins and that’s where supplements become necessary.
Other nutrients can be optional. We need basic fats and some omega-3 fatty acids, but in a pinch, our body can manufacture them all by itself. We don’t want our bodies to be in a pinch, and that’s why sometimes supplements are needed.
In this list of vitamins for the brain, we examine 17 of the best. But these aren’t the only ones, so it’s still best to eat your fruits and veggies!
The Best Vitamins for the Brain
Magnesium *
The mineral par excellence, magnesium is used in over 300 processes in the body and over 50 in just the brain alone. It improves neural plasticity, meaning the nerves are able to adapt and avoid damage easier.
More importantly, magnesium is critical to proper energy production. If we are deficient, and it’s estimated over 70% of the population is deficient, we are unable to convert sugars into energy. Low energy and diabetes is a result of this deficiency.
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The brain is nearly 50% fats. Nearly 30% of the fats are one of the many Omega-3 fatty acids. More important during childhood, omega-3 fatty acids help build proper neural connections and help create the barrier that protects the nerves throughout life.
Studies show that children fed low-fat or processed food diets are as many as 30 IQ points behind their peers. This is enough to cross the line between normal and mentally retarded.
Vitamin D *
While good for the bones, vitamin D is one of the catalysts in the brain that turns on and off the neurotransmitter synthesis and nerve growth systems. When your vitamin D levels are low, your ability to keep and form new neuro connections is inhibited.
Some research that is looking to be promising is the use of high levels of vitamin D supplementation for Alzheimer’s and dementia prevention and reversal.
Vitamin D is one the nutrients you don’t need a supplement for. In healthy people, 15-30 minutes of sunlight exposure over 25% or more of the body is enough to produce all the vitamin D for a day. Foods like mushrooms are also rich in vitamin D.
Skip the milk. The vitamin D in milk is linked to atherosclerosis and heart disease.
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Vitamin E *
This vitamin helps protect the functions of the brain. There is a tremendous amount of activity that occurs in the brain and high levels of oxidation occurs. Vitamin E is one of the most potent anti-oxidants.
Research also is showing that vitamin E can help reduce stress on the brain through providing energy and stress relief. While vitamin E will help return normal energy levels throughout the body to normal, the ability for the brain to produce clearer thoughts.
People who follow low-fat diets are often deficient in vitamin E and studies correlate Alzheimer’s disease with low-fat dieting.
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Vitamin C *
Called ascorbate in the body, this vitamin is a powerful anti-oxidant. The highest concentrations of ascorbate in the body are found in the brain and neuroendocrine tissues, where most of the body’s energy is most used. Ascorbate is a regulator for over a dozen different neurochemicals and can reduce the risk of stroke.
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B6 *
One of the deficiency signs for B6 is depression and memory loss. Having enough of this vitamin is key to keeping your memory sharp. It’s also a key nutrient for producing hemoglobin. Without sufficient B6, you lack proper blood production. This can mean low energy, anemia, low body oxygen levels and shortness of breath.
B12 *
This one has a big impact on neuro health. B12 is responsible and one of the primary nutrients for the production of the myelin sheath that covers the nerves. When a deficiency arises, this sheath becomes exposed, which leads to neuropathy and pain. It’s the reason why so many vegetarians and vegans get sick.
Excess B12 doesn’t help brain function, as studies are showing. We take what we need and expel the rest.
Thiamine *
A boost to the mood. Thiamine deficiency is called beriberi. In the brain, it can help improve moods and ward off depression. It’s important in the creation of the proper amino acids and enzymes. In carbohydrate metabolism, it helps regulate the production of ATP. This helps the body keep energized and functioning regularly.
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Riboflavin (B2) *
Vitamin B2, riboflavin, is responsible for proper transmission of neuro impulses. Lacking riboflavin can lead to migraines, Parkinson and Alzheimer’s diseases, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and for Guillain-Barré syndrome. Several metabolic syndromes are aided with riboflavin supplementation. But, like all B vitamins, it is not stored in the body, so excess supplementation is just wasted.
Niacin *
Nicotinic acid is a controversial nutrient because several companies are trying to patent this natural vitamin. It’s well known for helping to reduce cholesterol levels and modulating the body. In fact, without niacin, we would not be able to produce NAD, and vital step in the energy conversion process. Supplementation with niacin improves energy levels, which is why it is included in most nootropic stacks for brain stimulation.
Folate *
They also are trying to patent folic acid. Folic acid helps reduce homocysteine in the brain. But reducing these levels, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease progression can be halted. Will it help boost your brain function? Possibly. It can help protect the brain from the oxidative stresses of heavy studying and work stresses.
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Saturated Fats
Just like with the omegas, saturated fats are important for brain development. Where the omegas make up large portions of protective coatings, saturated fats are our hormones and ½ our cellular structure. In a diet low in saturated fats, we experience hormonal issues, like depression, mood swings, mental instability, menstrual problems, and insulin regulation problems.
Probiotics *
Probiotics have nothing to do with the brain and everything to do with the rest of the body. When the rest of the body is healthy and happy, so is the brain. Science has uncovered that gut feelings, the emotions involved with instinctual reactions, are a real thing. The bacteria in our guts actually influence our decisions.
When we have healthy gut bacteria, these decisions are made in alignment with positive feelings and proper use of hormones and energy. When certain bacteria overrun the good bacteria, our body tries to fight it. In the fight, our hormones are thrown out of balance, we lose tremendous amounts of energy, and we have food cravings for unhealthy foods.
While not specifically for the brain, probiotics can reduce many negative side effects we experience from a less than stellar diet.
Quality Proteins
It’s the quality, not quantity that matters. Protein drinks are some of the lowest quality proteins we could possibly have. They rank below rotting meat.
That’s because they are not balanced and are missing over half of the proper amino acids we require. Factory animals, most of the meats found in the grocery stores, also has a poor nutritional profile.
Meat substitutes are nearly as bad. Soy is implicated in over 10 difference cancers and others just don’t have the proteins we require.
Quality comes from animals that were locally and naturally raised. They were treated humanely and not force fed growth hormones, antibiotics, or feed. If you can’t ask a farmer about how the animal was raised, it’s not quality protein.
Iron *
This is a supplement you don’t want to overdo. Too much iron can accelerate dementia and brain deterioration.
However, too little causes energy problems. Iron is a primary component in our blood, and without it we become anemic and fatigued.
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Copper *
Another mineral that increases dementia when we have too much. Actually, in the US, copper deficiency is exceptionally rare. No one needs to supplement it. That’s because of the high use of copper piping in homes.
But without copper, our whole antioxidant system collapses. It is an important cofactor in enzyme development and our energy levels will falter with low levels.
Zinc *
If you get sick, zinc helps bring you back to health. It boosts the immune system and in the brain, it helps control neuro impulses. High doses of zinc are known to help reduce epilepsy seizures. Increasing your zinc can also help smooth neuro connections and make recall easier.
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What Is the Best Form for Vitamins for the Brain?
Individual Supplements
For the most part, as part of a healthy diet, you shouldn’t need supplementation at all. But, we know life gets in the way, so here are our recommendations for supplements.
Magnesium – most people are deficient. Start low, 200mg per dose with 400mg per day being average for most people.
Vitamin C – stick with 250mg or less per dose, as that is all we can absorb at a time. The upper level of vitamin C hasn’t been determined yet, but most doctors are comfortable with 1,000mg per day being a safe dose.
A general B vitamin – one a day in a standard dose is enough to keep your levels high.
Probiotics – choose fermented foods or a supplement with good reviews. A standard dose can be anywhere from several thousand to several billion bacteria depending on the brand. Start slow! You can become sick if you take too many at a time.
Liquid Vitamin and Minerals
Many vitamins have come in liquid form lately. For people with digestive problems, it can help increase absorption. But, for most people, the liquids are passed through the digestive system so fast that you really don’t absorb them. Taking a tablet often yields better results.
Tablet/Capsule Vitamins and Mineral Blends
One little pill at a time is best for most people. That way, the system is not overwhelmed and it is much more convenient.
However, make sure the supplement is truly being digested. That may mean digging through your poop. If you find the pill, it’s a waste of money and no one wants to waste money.
Also, make sure there are no allergens or undesirable binders. Sometime, companies use very cheap binders that make people sick.
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Multivitamins for the Brain
Like most doctors, we do NOT recommend a standard multi-vitamin. Why? It’s a highly concentrated dose of every vitamin and mineral. It becomes too much for your system to handle, so it doesn’t.
In a study of sewage wastes, researchers found billions of undigested multi-vitamins in sewage. These vitamins do not break down, nor do they deposit nutrients. And most of them are so cheap, they use forms of the vitamins and minerals we can’t use anyways, like whole limestone for calcium and rust for iron.
Stick with individual supplements and a good diet.
If you liked our article, please share it and use the comment section below to tell us about your experiences or ask any questions. Thanks!
You have copper mis spelled – it says cooper. In the yellow box.
Hi Lauri,
Thank you for noticing and bringing it to my attention.
Just fixed it.
Actually copper is spelt correctly. It’s funny that this word spelling is the only thing you are concerned about. Like how great and informational this whole page is and correct. This information is so very vital to our health as human beings. And I am so very grateful for whoever put this information out here for us. To much waistful crap garbage on the internet.
This has been the MOST helpful, detailed and informational article I have read. DEFINITELY one I wish my Neurologists would have directed me to. I was diagnosed 16.5 yrs ago with Multiple Sclerosis and I now feel better equipped to handle this disease than ever before. Now I feel that I can supplement my particular issues based on this article addressing many of the symptoms. Thank you!
Hey, Rebekah! Thanks for the compliment!
Proper nutrition helps so many diseases and problems. Most doctors are uneducated in the ways of proper nutrition and don’t help their patients with a proper diet.
We’re glad you were able to get control and help yourself. Keep up the good work and we know you’ll be active for a long time!
This is so true . A doctor actually wrongly diagnosed me with schizophrenia and was put on antipsychotics for 5 years . Over that 5 years I had 3 psychotic episodes after I stopped taking them. I now discovered the orthumuleticular treatment and I have my brain back !!!! I can continue studying law !!!!!!! Thank you
Hey Patrick!
So many people have been wrongly diagnosed and suffered for years, just like you have.
And just like you, so many people adjust their diets and begin living life again.
Just like you found out, what you put in you get out.
Good luck with your law education!
I’m in my 60s.I have digestive problems,food sentsitivities, tremors. anemic and now insulin. and osteoarthritis, recently been diagnosed that my body is only utilizing 4 out of 17 minerals, He has me on supplements to reverse all this. Is this possible or will this be something that will be a problem for the rest of my life. Will this become a crutch that my body needs the digestive suppliments in order to process . Reading this really has helped I see alot of my systmptons.
Hi Vi!
Thank you for your question. We are glad this has helped you.
You do seem to have a lot of issues, and we hope we can help you.
It is quite possible and likely the supplements you are taking will take care of the problems you’re having utilizing the minerals. It may completely resolved itself in a couple of weeks, or you may have this issue for the rest of your life. Your doctor will be able to tell you once you’ve been taking the supplements for a little while.
In addition to the supplements, using some of the foods we mentioned and just good healthy vegetables and fruits will help your body.
If you don’t have a good diet, your body may become reliant on the supplements. With a good diet, you’ll be able to teach your body how to use the supplements correctly and where to get it from real food.
Hey there! Uhmm I would be really nice if you would write down when you guys published this and who made the article. Because I will be using this information for my first thesis paper so that I can prepare for my college. They require me to make an annotated bibliography, such a pain!
Anyways thank you so much for the detailed information 🙂
Hey Jeremy!
Thanks for the suggestion. It’s great you want to use some of our information for your thesis article, however, we suggest using the actual studies where you can get the full information. It’s more professional and shows you know what you are talking about. This article was written by a professional nutritionist with more than 10 years of experience and was published on 2015/11/21. Good luck with your thesis paper!
Good article. One thing…the part about our bodies only being able to absorb 250 mg of vitamin C. I’ve always heard that Vitamin C is subject specific. Meaning that everyone has different requirements. Also, I’ve read that you can increase Vitamin C to the point of diarrhea, then decrease your amount accordingly. Personally, I’ve taken up to 2500 mg of Vitamin C and didn’t induce diarrhea. Please explain.
Hey CJ!
The receptor sites for ascorbic acid optimally absorb at about 250 milligrams per hour.
It is dependent on the person’s health, types of food in the diet, and other co-vitamins that are required for proper absorption.
As the vitamin C passes through your digestive system, if you took it in one large dose, most of it will pass straight through your system.
But, if you take it slowly over the course of the day, or with a large meal that is digested slowly, you can greatly increase your absorption of vitamin C overtime.
As for the diarrhea issue, some people will react to low doses of Vitamin C while others will only react to high doses. This is very dependent on the person, their health, and diet.
Awesome. You’ve really gone into high detail with the vitamins on what each are good for and where to get them. Also, good call on the milk being a cause for atherosclerosis, because many people still don’t believe it, but I do. Thanks.
Hi, Terry!
I’m happy you liked the article! There are many myths and beliefs exist but it doesn’t make them all right. We try to find and provide the trustful and scientific based source for every statement we have. Thank you!
Hello Dima,
Hey Denise!
High blood pressure is a complicated issue.
Many of the vitamins and minerals we recommend here will help lower your blood pressure.
There are also several herbal medicines that can work.
Meditation and exercise will also help lower your blood pressure.
If stress is an issue, removing yourself from the stress will help lower your blood pressure.
Thanks Dima for sharing an informative post. shall i give vitamin supplements to my one year old. i have read an article pros & cons of vitamin supplements. Please guide me on this
Hey, Jessica!
We do not recommend in any way to give any supplements to children under the age of 12 years old. All studies on supplements have been done on adults. Children, especially under the age of five years old, do not have a digestive system that can process supplements and lack critical enzymes and digestive biles to assimilate the chemical nutrients. You risk intestinal blockage and nutritional deficiencies by giving them supplements.
Hope it helps. Thank you.
I have recently suffered from brainstroke. Will multivitamins help me to recover it faster?
Hey Vikram,
There have been a lot of studies done on people with stroke and dementia that shows most, if not all, of these vitamins and minerals we recommend to help with these issues.
We recommend talking to a nutritionist to see if a specific vitamin will help in your specific case.
Since many parts of the brain are different and a stroke can affect them differently, it’s hard to know which supplements will be the most helpful to you.
My 1.5 year son is vitamin d deficient and he have levels of only to increase it rapidly.his weight is 9.5 and docter gave the daily dose of 400.whether it affects his brain development.
Hey Priya,
We recommend following your doctor’s advice on giving supplements and not to adjust anything.
Not only are children under the age of 12 unable to completely process adult supplements, but it can also cause further nutritional deficiencies.
Being nutritionally deficient in vitamin D may cause brain development delays.
Keep working with your doctor to make sure your son is getting all the nutrients he needs.
Very focused article that shows the maturity of author over this subject. None can underestimate the importance of vitamins and minerals for a healthy life. And what is great about them is that they are abundant in nature. but today, because of climatic change, land abuse and pollution most people are facing the deficiency of essential minerals. The most appropriate way will always be a balanced mineral rich diet, but for those who have encountered their shortage thanks to these easy multivitamin pills, humans have an easy solution to fix this issue. BTW, A highly informative article stressing the importance of these elements for a healthy brain. Indeed Good post as well as pictures.
Hey, Jivansutra!
Thank you for the high compliment. We believe people should get all of their vitamins from a healthy diet, but we know that is idealistic. Using supplements in a constructive and thoughtful way is a great way to balance out any deficiencies.
Hi!I am a 20 years old, 155 lbs and 5’2 ft and my problem is that I have a very big problem with concentration, focus and memory and before I go with the “big medication” I wanted to try something more “natural” so is there a combination that you could recommend to me or my weight and height.
Also congratulations on the article it was very well informing.
Hey, Bemar!
Thank you for the compliment. When it comes to recommending specific vitamins to specific people, we focus on the whole body, including what your metabolism is doing. Since we’re not right there with you and don’t know your exact health history, it’s really difficult to tell you what to do over the internet.
What we can recommend is for you to start small. Also, make sure your diet is filled with lots of fruits and vegetables and quality meats. Avoid foods that have chemicals and a lot of sugars.
Hi Dima,
I’m a tennis player, and I do intense physical activities throughout the day, and I also lose huge amount of water and salts thorough my body. I need to know that, what kind of dosage do you recommend for me, normal or high.
Thank you for the article
Hey Sandeep,
Congrats on the tennis, we love that sport.
Intense physical activities require a higher amount of food, nutrition, and vitamins and minerals.
It sounds like you’re getting a pretty good balance if you were able to do intense physical activities and not be sick.
We recommend visiting a sports nutritionist to make sure you’re getting a proper balance.
The one thing we want to recommend to you does not try to supplement one or two vitamins. This could cause a disbalance and you might not be able to play tennis the way you want to.
And make sure you keep up your electrolytes. Salt is good for sodium and chloride, you also should try dark leafy greens for magnesium and apricots and bananas for potassium. There are hundreds of other foods with these two nutrients so eat lots of variety.
Hi Dima, I found your article very useful for myself and my children. One question. My child has a minor autism. I am giving him a NORDIC NATURALS® CHILDREN’S™ DHA. Do you know if this specific oil supplement help brain development. His cognitive skills are improving and he started communicating recently. I am not sure if the Nordic oil supplement have any impact on his brain development. Please advice. Thanks.
Hey Julie!
Thanks for your great question.
We believe in using supplements over prescription medications when they are effective.
DHA is a very powerful supplement oil that helps brain development.
We can’t say if your child’s development is due specifically to the supplement or if you have done a combination of things that are working.
With it working: keep going.
There are many success stories of parents who use natural supplements and bring their child to fully functioning and healthy.
My son had a brain tumor removed in late 2015. Followed by 6 weeks of radiation to the whole brain and spine. He then had 6 months of chemo. He is cancer free now thankfully but at times I feel his brain has had lots of damage and doesn’t function as well as it did prior to surgery. I want to insure he is getting all the necessary vitamins. What do you recommend? I do notice when he eats oysters he feels better and had more energy so I am assuming magnesium and zinc. Any others?
Hey, Holly!
Congratulations on Surviving, and coming out on the other side. We are happy that your son made it.
A brain tumor is very traumatic, as is the treatment. He probably is in need of quite a few vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients.
When he feels better eating the oysters, he’s getting extra doses of magnesium and zinc, as well as iodine, fatty acids, trace elements, and calcium.
We recommend visiting a nutritionist that has experience with cancer and children to help design a specific regimen for your child.
Thanks a lot to the writer. I have gone through the whole article. I have been able to gather a lot of knowledge from this article. Hope to get this kinds of article in near future. Wish of best of luck.
Hey, Azam!
Thank you for reading our article. I’m happy you found it interesting. Good luck to you too.
what diet to take for loss in concentration, not able to look where you want to
along with what makes stare at people, difficulty in where you want to look at people
Hey Kupp!
This is an interesting question.
We are not sure if you’re having an issue with concentration or a sight problem.
The first step would be visiting an optometrist and explaining your problem to them.
They may have some recommendations for exercises that will help your specific issue.
Otherwise, we recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables so you naturally get in all of your nutrition.
Then, visit a nutritionist so they can help you with the specific supplements you may need.
please advice as i am south african which would be the best suplements to buy after reading this article whicj vitamin or and minerals will be suffect for energy ad studing as also read all of the above for better brain health and slowdown nervousness when writting exam for better attention span and concentration thank you for a speedy relpy I am usobg SOLAL products at the moment thank you
Hey Celia!
Thanks for the great question and for reading. I don’t believe we’ve had a comment from South Africa before. The majority of the vitamins minerals we talked about in this article will be perfect for you. As we are writing this in the month of November, you should just be experiencing the long days of the year. Make sure you get outside and get some good vitamin D from the sun and eat lots of fruits and vegetables to get your nutrients. You can make sure your supplements meet the highest grade of Pharmacopeia in your area. You can also double check them against the US Pharmacopeia or the German Pharmacopeia to see how the quality standards match up.
Best website for knowing role of vitamins on brain
Thank you, Esther, for such a kind words. You’re welcome!
i have my sister who always thinking to much and now he looks like confuse she always keep quiet when people talk. does brain food tablet help her? and how long does she need to take it? Does this help to turn her mind to normal?
Hey Rejoice!
This is a difficult predicament.
Depending on the age of your sister, it could be changing hormones or something more serious that has prompted the drastic change in her personality.
The vitamins and minerals we talked about here may help, but we recommend you talk to a doctor to make sure she is healthy.
information is well displayed and easy to understand, i also like the use of colours.
prObiotics and prEbiotics walk hand in hand and one should never be without the other
Thank you, Dylan!
Hey guys, I found something amazing and I have to share. A new site that was recommended to me by a friend called This is where I have been getting all of my essential vitamins and minerals recently. I usually have trouble swallowing vitamin pills but instead Passion4Life uses a liquid vitamin bottle that you can take once a day instead of swallowing a hand full of pills. I would suggest that all of you go checkout their website and try some of their vitamins and I would love to hear about your experience if you do.
Hey Jack!
Thanks for the recommendation. I hope somebody will share their experiences with them.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I am female, 23, struggling with low energy levels, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, memory loss, mental sharpness/agility, recall, feeling lethargic, anxiety, depression, among other things, unfortunately.
I take a cheap daily vitamin that has several different essential supplements included but after reading this article amibg others, I’m not sure if I’m getting the right ones, getting enough, or absorbing the ones I’m taking as efficiently as I could. Do I need something more expensive?
I learned that there are several different harmful neurotoxins that we are exposed to daily! It’s amazing that we live in a world like this. How can I ensure that when I am pregnant and choose to have kids that the child and I will not be harmed? What would be the best way to stay away from these toxins and the best way to give my child the best nutrients to protect them even into childhood?
I also learned that I need to add magnesium and zinc as well as iron to either my diet or supplements.
But I don’t want to be chugging down 20 pills every morning! Being a student, I’m lolking for a cost effective solution or “cure-all” supplement that just covers everything as much as possible. But I’m willing to spend a few extra bucks for quality.
(Clearly I need a personal nutritionist lol)
In addition to what you might suggest, what is your opinion on this brand of “brain food” and it’s legitimacy?
Sorry for the novel,
Thanks so much!
Hey, Sam!
We feel your struggle since we were there too. First things first, you’re not going to find a magic pill that contains everything you need in a perfect balance that you need it in. It would be wonderful, but such magic pills do not exist.
You were absolutely right when you joked around that you do need a personal nutritionist. This person will be able to help design a supplement and eating plan for you that will meet all of your nutritional needs without excess or wasting money. By finding a good nutritionist, you may be able to limit or eliminate most supplements because you’re eating the foods your body needs. Magnesium, zinc, and iron often help many people, especially the magnesium for women. However, if you are not absorbing the nutrients, additional supplementation, even expensive supplementation, will be of no value.
Thank you!
I have Fibromyalgia. Is there any vitamins or combination of vitamins that you would recommend to help with the pain, tiredness, and depression?
Hey, Carol!
We know, it’s hard dealing with some immune issues. Much of the pain and tiredness comes from your body overreacting. We recommend working with your doctor to make sure you’re off of as many prescription medications as possible and focus in on the few that will make a difference in your life. If your body is fighting medication and the autoimmune disorder it has little left to give for your fun activities. Most people do very well taking a multi-vitamin, magnesium, a B complex supplement and zinc. They had very few side effects with the conventional medications for fibromyalgia and many people are deficient in these vitamins. Herbal supplements like St. John’s Wort may help with depression, but you have to make sure that it will not interact negatively with any of your medications. Uncommon herbal medicines such as dead nettle and knotweed help reduce pain. Kitchen herbs such as turmeric and ginger help with energy and digestive issues. We recommend visiting a naturopath or herbalist to get supplement list that will work for your body and will not interact with any other medications.
Thank you!
My husband has an essential tremor
What minerals and vitamins would you recommend?
I have been giving him A B-complex and Folic acid
One thing that seems to give him help is Cannabis
My husband is 75 years old
Thanks for any suggestions
Hey, Sandra!
This is a very complicated issue. Tremors can come from multiple sources and have various treatments. For some, vitamins and supplements can help significantly, for others they might not work at all. Some tremors are even caused by certain vitamins taken in large quantities. Without knowing the specific type of tremors your husband is going through, we cannot answer that question. We recommend talking to your doctor to discover the source and then research the exact cause. We can help by giving suggestions once we have a little bit more information.
Thank you!
I am Roberto V. dela Cruz 53 years of age from Dumaguete City. I was hospitalized in 2015 because of Mild Stroke resulted to Aphasia and can not talk anymore. I was a member of the Local Media Industry here in Dumaguete City for 24 years but due to my present health condition I was force to retire. What possible Vitamins I will take to restore the functions of my immune system especially the function of my brain. I am hoping you can give me an advice through my email ad.
Hey Roberto!
This is a complicated question. There are so many possibilities of what exactly happened to you that we don’t feel comfortable recommending any particular supplement. We do recommend talking to a nutritionist or naturopath to find the exact natural supplements your body needs.
Hi There,
Thank you for posting this article, I really like it. I have been taking Spirulina tablets and have noticed a significant difference in the lowering of my anxiety and depression, many vitamins and minerals mentioned on this site are included in Spirulina, what are your or anyone’s thoughts/experience of Spirulina.
Many Thanks
Hey Lisa!
Thank you for the compliment. We have tried using spirulina and several of the supplements we have throughout the site included as part of their mix. It is packed with a lot of vitamins and minerals. What we have noticed some people don’t care for the taste or texture. If it’s something you enjoy, continue using it.
whats the benefits of zinc for children?
Hey Farah!
Zinc has been well-researched for helping improve the immune system, fighting off colds, and aiding in various enzymatic reactions throughout the body. Supplemental zinc has not been well researched on children, and we recommend talking to a pediatrician before having a child try any supplements. Choosing foods that are high in zinc are much healthier for children.
I really enjoyed your article very much. It was quite informative and enlightening.
I have been trying to help my 19 year old son for 2 years now and the doctors cannot seem to be able to diagnose whether he suffers from ADHD, a form of hypo-depression or any other mood disorder. His father had mood swings and bouts of depression. My only child is so intelligent yet cannot continue college nor focus on a task he wishes to accomplish. It pains me so much to see him suffer like this. I am not sure if this has occurred due to genetics, my divorce, his diet, or our financial hardships, but he has gone for therapy as well as tried different medications. I now plan to have his blood checked for any deficiencies and see where we go from there. Open to any insight and advice. Thanks again and God bless….
Hey J!
This is a tough problem. Many times, it is a combination of factors, not just one thing that affects kids ability to concentrate and focus. Some of the techniques that have worked successfully have been eliminating all processed foods from the diet, exercising daily, professional therapy, and some of the alternatives to Adderall like what we have listed in this article over here. We hope you find success in helping your son. An additional recommendation is perhaps to allow your son to go into a trade vacation where they can use more of their energy for doing things rather than book work.
I am so thankful for this information. I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2011. A handful of neurologist have never ever said anything about supplements. Just more medication. Thank you will get on this path.
Thank you and good luck, Christina!
I have functional neurilogical disorder is there any any vitamins and minerals that can help this
Hey Lemuria!
Thanks for asking this question. I’m sure many people are experiencing the same issues. First, we recommend talking to a local nutritionist or natural focus doctor to get recommendations on vitamins and minerals particular to your individual need. In general, most people can be helped with additional B vitamins, magnesium, and essential fatty acids. These may or may not work for you, depending on your particular case.
Fnd hope is a website is only for this condition