Which is the Odd One Out? Can You Spot the Differences? [12 Riddles+Bonus Question]

Solving different the "odd one out" riddles is a way to practice your deductive reasoning. We use it in many areas of our life. It is with the help of deductive thinking we are able to reach important conclusions. Each time we try to convince someone that something is true by providing supporting statements we use deductive thinking.  

The questions in this odd one out test vary in their difficulty. Some are relatively simple while others will require you to pay attention to more than one feature in a time. 

How long will it take you to find the odd one in each image? Let us know in the comments section below. 


The Odd Heart

Which Heart is different from the other hearts?

find the odd one out hearts

Check The Answer for The odd Heart Riddle


The Odd Pirate

Which pirate is different from the other pirates?

find the odd one out pirate

Check The Answer for The odd pirate Riddle


The Odd Chicken

Which chicken is different from the other chickens?

find the odd one out chicken answer

Check The Answer for The odd chicken Riddle


The Odd Daisy

Which flower is different from the other flowers?

find the odd one out daisy

Check The Answer for The odd daisy Riddle


The Odd Coffee Cup

Which coffee cup is different from the other cups?

find the odd one out coffee cup

Check The Answer for The odd coffee cups Riddle


The Odd Puppy

Which picture is different?

find the odd one out winter dog

Check The Answer for The odd dog Riddle


The Odd Pirate

Which pirate is different from the other pirates?

find the odd one out pirate

Check The Answer for The odd pirates Riddle


The Odd Cook

Which cook is different?

find the odd one out pirate

Check The Answer for The Odd Cook Riddle


The Odd Grapes

Which bunch of grapes  is different?

find the odd one out grapes

Check The Answer for The odd grapes


The Odd Ornament

Which ornament is different ?

find the odd one out grapes

Check The Answer for The odd Ornament


The Odd Radish

Which radish is different?

find the odd one out radish

Check The Answer for The Odd Radish Riddle


The Odd Hot Air Balloon

Which hot air balloon is different?

find the odd one out radish

Check The Answer for The Hot Air Balloon Riddle


The Odd Shopping Cart

Which Shopping cart is different?

find the odd one out shopping cart

The answer for the Shopping Cart Riddle

Which riddle took you the longest time to answer?

Leave a comment below and tell us right now!



Katia is responsible for graphics and content design. She is a mom of two beautiful children. Katia spends her free time searching for and trying to solve different brain games and teasers. She also likes board games, puzzles and crosswords.
  • 8 – the bottle is in a different position. I took the longest on the the picture of the the puppies with different colored pompoms. I noticed an error on the radish puzzle – there are 2 radishes missing the green top.

  • 7. The wine bottle is behind the groceries instead of the front

    I got the flower and radish questions incorrect.