7 Best Natural Vitamins for Memory and Focus

vitamins for memory

All the nutrients we eat provide us some aid for focus, memory, and energy. They all work together to help us grow and prosper. These are the top 7 we think are the best for memory and focus.

One thing you will notice about these nutrients, all of them have multiple purposes. That’s because the body is not a collection of isolate parts, but a whole system that relies on itself. We just can’t supercharge one area without depleting another, and that isn’t good for energy.

There are no vitamins that work instantly to give you more memory and focus. All of them build in your system and support optimal performance. Your body will use vitamins and minerals to support proper function and healing before allowing your brain to work at super speeds. So, if you are waiting to take your vitamins until just before the test, you won’t get what you want.

Vitamin E For Memory

Vitamin E * was first successful, and thus villainized, in the treatment of heart disease, heart attacks, and all other heart problems. Doctors then banned the use of Vitamin E because it took too much focus away from surgery and prescription drugs.

In 2004, a disastrous ‘study’ showed Vitamin E kills. Unfortunately, the real study didn’t show anything of the sort, it was all sensationalism and exaggeration. More than 100 newer and better studies show Vitamin E is essential for health.

vitamin for memory

Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant that has been studied in the treatment for Alzheimers and memory loss. It protects the neural linings surrounding the nerves. Basically, it protects what protects the nerves. Adequate vitamin E allows the nerves to survive oxidative stress longer and more thoroughly intact. This means you can retain information longer and better.

Recommended dosing varies with a person’s health. Healthy people have about 200IU per day requirements, with as much as 500IU for periods of stress. Remember, more is not better. Stick to the recommended amounts and allow your body to naturally work.

Vitamin B12 For Energy

We really don’t need much B12, less than 3 micrograms (or the 1/10 the weight of a single grain of salt). Normally, we get more than what is required by eating 6-8oz of animal flesh per day. That’s only 2 eggs or one whole chicken breast. Normal people do not need supplementation if they eat meats.

Vitamin B12 for brain and memory

B12 is responsible for producing new red blood cells, regulating nerve transmissions, and synthesizing DNA. It’s also used for several blood functions and is part of the energy cycle of metabolism.

There are no studies or documented stories that show vitamin B12 will give you a boost of sudden energy. Vitamins don’t work like that. In people who have blood oxygenation problems or are severely deficient, a medical grade intermuscular injection will show some signs of reduced fatigue and tiredness.

Taking supplemental B12 for energy is a waste of money. It is a water-soluble vitamin and extra is flushed out of our systems by the kidneys. In fact, supplementations can damage the kidneys.

If you want adequate B12 * in your diet, choose organic, naturally raised animal flesh from local sources. This way, you get the body’s preferred source of B12 and as long as you are healthy and eat 6-8oz per day, you will have more than adequate B12.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids For the Brain

Omega-3 fatty acids * increase brain size and protect the heart. Lesser known functions include increasing memory, increasing speed of neural transfer, and more efficient energy production. They can help repair damaged neuroconnections.

omega 3 for the brain

New research (within the past 10 years or so) shows that babies that have the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet are the ones that do best in school and have the least concentration problems.

Omega-3s accumulate in the brain during the first couple of years. As we age, the levels of omega-3s determines the rate and progress of neural degradation and loss of memory. In fact, several studies that are currently being conducted shows good signs that memory problems can and are being reversed with omega-3 therapy. Some are even calling omega-3s more potent that Prozac.

There are over a dozen types of omega-3s, but the chief ones are EPA and DHA. ALA is another plant based source of omega-3s, but most people are unable to convert this omega-3 into useable forms. It’s best to stick to animal flesh to obtain the necessary omega-3s.

Low-fat dieting caused a serious deficiency in many people. Low-fat is linked to the increase in obesity, diabetes, depression, and rash of ADHD problems in kids. Basically, low-fat is killing us.

About 50 mg of DHA and 90 mg of EPA are recommended to support brain health. Low level supplements are more effective than high level.

Folate for Alertness

The B Vitamins * are well known for aiding energy, focus, and alertness. Folic acid works to maintain the oxygen in our blood and produce healthy blood cells. When you are even slightly deficient, tiredness is the first sign.

folate for focus

Distractedness and moodiness come closely behind. Even missing a single meal can result in folate deficiency because our bodies do not store this vitamin. Massive dosing with supplements is a waste of time. However, in the case of deficiency, supplementation is a fast and easy way to bring your levels to normal.

Folate * is one of the vitamins responsible for memory recall. In order to properly and efficiently retrieve stored information, we need this vitamin. 400 micrograms per day are usually adequate to maintain normal levels of folate in our systems.

B6 for Positive Moods

If folate is well known, B6 is the god! Still, it’s not a miracle worker, nor a quick fix.

B6 vitamin for memory

B6 * increases serotonin in the brain. This is the primary feel good chemical and responsible for our lack of depression. When your serotonin levels are off, depression easily sets in. This is important for memory since adequate levels of serotonin influence whether or not a memory moves from short-term to long-term memory.

B6 also lowers levels of homocysteine, one of the amino acids used to naturally destroy damaged tissues. Excess levels of this amino acid is responsible for heart disease, memory loss, and fatigue.

We need about 1.6-2mg of B6 per day. This is a water soluble vitamin, so you do need to replenish this one each day.

Magnesium for Headache Relief

Magnesium * is used in over 300 processes in the human body. It is one of the key regulators of metabolism and vital to bone and blood health. Unfortunately, as much as 90% of the US population is deficient in this mineral. Nearly 99.9% of diagnosed depression sufferers are diagnosed with deficiency.

Magnesium is most important in regulating muscle energy.

magnesium for brain

You should be absorbing between 300 and 400 mg of magnesium per day. But, there’s a problem. You see, the same receptors in our digestive track take up calcium first. So, all those supplements with calcium and magnesium are a waste of money.

On top of that, even in optimal conditions, our bodies only absorb about 50% of available magnesium. We can only take up around 100mg at a time. So, the larger pills are a waste, too.

You might think that this is awfully inefficient. However, back as fast as just 60 years ago, people ate many more leafy greens and vegetables, as many as 3 servings per day. People obtained all the magnesium they needed, plus more, just from their diet. Today, we eat less than 1 serving of leafy greens per day, and many more processed foods.

It’s recommended to start small and build up. The most common supplement is 250mg. Start by breaking 1 supplement in half and taking a half twice per day. You can move up until you reach 6 to 8 halves per day, all taken at different times.

There are no side effects to dietary magnesium in most people. Some supplements cause nausea, vomiting, and other digestive discomforts, especially when doses higher than 300mg are taken at one time. There is no upper limit of magnesium, because our body flushes excess out. However, since most people begin deficient, it would be hard to overdose.

Vitamin C for Focus

Vitamin C can help children with ADHD symptoms focus better and concentrate longer. But, it’s not a direct action. Vitamin C * is part of the process for producing the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Norepinephrine controls attention and response actions.

vitamin c for focus

It also protects against oxidative stresses, like alcohol, medications, and stress. Additionally, it will help reduce the chances of catching a cold after the tests are over.

Now, when it comes to your daily regime, several factors will determine what you take. Your health needs to be in good shape and you need a healthy diet. From there, you can supplement as needed. Always talk to your doctor before starting a new supplement to make sure it is safe for you. If your doctor recommends to take or not take a specific supplement or combination, follow those directions.

Combination Vitamins for Memory

vitamins for memory

Memory is best enhanced with a daily combination of magnesium, B6, and omega-3s. This allows your brain to form good, healthy neuro connections and fortifies existing connections. Additionally, the dual combo of the omega-3s and magnesium will help your body sleep better and be more rested. This allows your body to recharge and increases concentration as well.

Combination Vitamins for Focus

When you need to focus, stick with B6, folate and magnesium. These help encourage the body produce and continue the proper hormonal combinations that allow focus to come naturally. They also support the energy pathways in the body, so you receive constant, healthy high energy.

vitamins for focus

If you add in the omega-3s, you will find that little aches and pains, or sore muscles, will decrease over time. The fatty acids and the magnesium are important to rebuilding tissues of the muscles and tendons. The fatty acids are good for joint issues, especially for older adults. When you have less pain, you are better able to focus.

Vitamins to Help Memory Loss

If you feel you are losing your memory, try adding into your regime more omega-3 fatty acids, the anti-oxidants C and E, plus multiple small doses of magnesium. Your body will build back up its ability to fight off damage and retain the existing connections.

vitamins for memory loss

Additionally, keeping your mind active during down time is necessary for maintaining the neuro pathways. Re-read information, play puzzle games, and keep your supplement regime up.

Vitamins for Concentration

Many concentration issues come from 2 sources: lack of food and lack of water. Once you are properly hydrated and fed, many of your issues will decrease. In order to really gain good, overall concentration, use vitamin E, folate, and magnesium.

The biggest issue with concentration is the ability to filter out additional and unnecessary information. The vitamin E and folate stimulate the pituitary gland in order to filter out that extra information.


Vitamins and minerals are there for our bodies to use for energy, focus, metabolism, and healing. What you take will go towards healing first. This is why most vitamins won’t give you the power jump like herbal energy aids do.

Yet, all of the vitamins and minerals listed here are critical for energy and brain health. Without an adequate and regular supply of these vitamins, you will find that your energy and focus decrease each day. You may not notice a significant change, but it will happen.

It takes various amounts of time to build up appropriate concentrations of each vitamin. You will need to take many of them for weeks to months to build up. Then, smaller doses regularly to keep up the higher level of function.

Fortunately, these vitamins are all safe for normal, long term consumption. They will not deplete your body, as many herbal or pharmaceutical aids do. It’s healthier to take the supplements than drugs.

If you liked our article, please share it and use the comment section below to tell us about your experiences or ask any questions. Thanks!


Christina Major

Christina Major is a holistic nutritionist, traditional naturopath, and herbalist. She has a Master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition and an advanced degree in Traditional Naturopathy. Further certifications in herbalism and metabolic typing. She owns and operates Crystal Holistic Health Consulting based in PA, the USA since 2010.
  • My teenage daughter struggles with depression and so I have been wondering what type of vitamins could possibly help her. After reading this post, I really like the idea of having her take B6 so that she could have more positive moods. Now that I know about it, I think that I will get her some of these water soluble vitamins. However, what are some foods that naturally have B6 in it that she could incorporate in her diet as well?

    • Hi Faylinn. I’m glad you asked.

      When it comes to depression, you really need to know why a person is depressed. Some types can be fixed with proper nutrition, other cannot. Your daughter will need to see a specialist to know for sure.

      Overall, a diet that is 2/3 vegetables and fruit and that eliminates all processed and pre-made foods will help reduce and remove depression. We recommend starting there.

      Then, really make sure you are getting nuts and seeds in the diet every day. They are high in B vitamins, as well as healthy fats. Then, get naturally raised, organic meats such as salmon, chicken, and beef. The quality proteins and iron will help balance their metabolism.

      Green leafy vegetables are a must unless there is a blood clotting issue. Many forms of depression are not a vitamin B deficiency, but a magnesium deficiency. Taking the B vitamins will mask the real cause and only cause the depression to come back stronger.

      We recommend you find a nutritionist that will work with you to discover what is the root cause of the depression.

      • This is a Food For Thought Comment:
        The vitamin business(es), company(ies) and, or industry(ies) may want to think about making monthly donations of the needed vitamins to maintain physical and mental health, to the state community(ies), provincial community(ies) and, or local community(ies) drop in centers, soup kitchens, shelters, nursing homes, etc……..
        Patti C.
        This way those who cannot afford to go out to any restaurant(s) and, or grocery stores to purchase the needed foods to receive the necessary daily supply of vitamins, each needs in the vitamin supply(ies) donated.
        Reaching out to others in various time(s) of need, by providing a helpful hand to others.
        Patti C.

        • Hey Patti!

          Thanks for the suggestion.

          Many of the businesses and companies that produce vitamins, supplements, and prescription medications already do make donations to underserved communities and the needy.

          In fact, the prescription drug industry donated well over a billion dollars in the United States just to food kitchens last year.

          We suggest you contact some of these companies and see you what some of their private, in-house policies are for donations. I think you’ll be surprised. And if you need help, all drug companies and most supplement companies have free and reduced cost plans for those who qualify.

      • It is quite simplistic to understand what Sabrina had meant.
        What Sabrina was requesting is the Vitamin(s) needed to be taken to gain FOCUS, CONCENTRATION, MENTAL ACUITY.
        You may also want to tell her the type of food(s) she needs to eat, in order to receive the vitamins needed for the purpose(s) of mental focus.
        Water consumption is also a very important factor in this is it not? One needs to consume a minimum of 64 fluid ounces of water per day; do they not? If the bodily requirement of water is not met than the brain will become dehydrated, will it not? One needs to keep the brain hydrated.
        If the brain is not hydrated then it cannot work properly.
        just because my email is required in order to post the reply, I do not want any unwanted junk mail(s) being sent to my email inbox from any one and/or more third party(ies). DO NOT give out my email address to any third party(ies)!!!!
        Patti C.

        • Hey Patti!

          It really isn’t simplistic. In order to suggest proper vitamins and a diet somebody needs, we actually have to meet the person and know what their physical requirements are. Suggestions of a vitamin or particular food over the internet, without meeting somebody, can actually hurt that person. There are great suggestions that can help most people, but they won’t help everyone. And yes, water is important, but we’re dealing with vitamins and supplements here. We actually deal with water in other articles.

          Please don’t worry about your email and spam. We don’t put out unwanted emails and won’t give your email out to any third parties.

          Thank you!

        • Hi Patti,

          I read Sabrina’s post and didn’t know what it referenced either, however, if you found it simplistic you’re quite fortunate.

          Regarding advising of the types of food to eat and requiring water consumption – a reference to requiring water, or lack there of, is made. Perhaps you might like to take the time to re-read the article.

          Some people may prefer to take a supplement rather than eating foods containing each vitamin and/or mineral – that is their choice. In which case this article is very beneficial. It’s not the author’s responsibility to provide this information.

          I really don’t think it was necessary to be so aggressive with your reply to this article. Not everyone will agree with another’s viewpoint, but constructive, civil debate, is always beneficial for personal development and growth as a person.

          • Hey, Bronwyn!

            Thanks for the support and the kind words. We try our best to give as much information as possible, but in the world nutrition and supplements, providing everything is nearly impossible. One of our goals is to match up foods with supplements, but we get many more requests for supplements. We wrote a few other articles that reference foods that help with brain activity and health. You may find those aid you as well as the supplements we have here.

  • That’s really cool that vitamin B6 can support a positive mood. I’ve been a little down in the dumps lately and I was thinking that maybe some nutrition could help me with that. I’ll have to find a natural B6 supplement that can help me with my mood issues. Thanks for the advice!

    • Hey David! Yes, B6 is wonderful for moods.

      And so are all the other B vitamins! We recommend getting them from foods rich in B vitamins, such as spinach, broccoli, and beets. You’ll know foods that are rich in vitamins because they are the ones that are naturally brightly colored. Think of the rich red color of beets, and the dark green of spinach.

      Seek out vegetables that are richly colored and you’ll get most of the vitamins we just talked about. And it’s cheaper than buying multiple supplements!

  • Hi. Thank you for the info. I was wondering if you have an opinion about smart drugs like Nootropic Plus to increase the focusing capacity and improve the memory. I have been taking them and I do not feel much changes. Actually I am taking the pills occasionally when I need to concentrate on something specifically. Could it be that not taking nootropics on a regular basis mean that its effect may be null?

    • Hey, Cassidy! I’m glad you asked!

      Many nootropics require you take them consistently and for a period of time before you feel something. This is especially true for lower level ones that rely on vitamins and herbs. The ones that use caffeine and sugars often are short-lived and you feel the right away.

      You will need to look at your specific supplement. Follow the directions on usage.

      If you still don’t feel anything, make sure you are supposed to. The lower level ones often don’t produce a noticeable change, just subtle feelings. Then again, some people will just not react. If you are healthy and you are getting enough vitamins and minerals, the supplement might be doing nothing because your body doesn’t need it.

      There are many factors to why a nootropic may or may not work. Wrong dosage, wrong timing, too low strength, or natural immunity to them could cause them to be weaker for you. We recommend you follow the directions, then if that nootropic isn’t enough, check out these couple: AddTabz (we reviewed it here), AddieUp (we reviewed it here), NITROVit (we reviewed it here). Hope it helps.

      Thank you!

  • I live in south africa which tablets could i buy here 1 or 2 products that combine all above mentioned by you will wait on your reply thank yoy

    • Hey Celia! Thanks for asking!

      Just about all of the supplements we recommend here are available for purchase online and can be shipped anywhere around the world. So, basically, you have access to them all!

      We don’t know which ones are available in your local markets.

      So, we recommend you check your local shipping and mailing regulations and transit times. Customs and the postal office is a good place to start. Then, once you know which products your country will allow in, you can order online.

  • Cellvamp pill is best for memory and focus and it works wonders for me. I have a highly stressful job that requires a lot of multitasking. Constantly under pressure and rushing to meet deadlines, Cellvamp pill keeps me calm and focused on work. I can tell the difference the days that I do not take it. I have also made my husband try it (undiagnosed ADD) and it has also worked wonders. I would definitely recommend it if you are in a similar situation and need that boost to stay on target.

  • I have a son that is 13yrs old. He is having difficulty focusing and remembering for school. He does not have ADD or ADHA. He is forgetful, a little on the lazy side and does not do well with testtaking. We study with him, asked the teacher for assistance in hw assignments and pre-test notes. I believe I need a supplement for him for all the above. Can you recommend what will be best for him overall? Thank you.

    • Hey Rosemary!

      I’m glad you asked that.

      Because your son is 13 years old, we recommend working with and talking to a doctor before you give him any supplements. It could be that your 13-year-old is just being a teenager and this is a phase. It could be that he is truly having problems and supplementation could help.

      If you do choose supplements for him, make sure it meets the minimum standard for where you are. In America, the US Pharmacopoeia seal shows proper testing and appropriate standard. In Europe, the German Pharmacopoeia is generally accepted as top grade.

      As your son ages, his needs will also change. What works now may not work next year. So we do recommend you be diligent with any supplements you may use and make sure that they are working for your son.

  • I’m so glad I found this. I can sense a decline in brain function & high stress levels. I assume it’s an effect of PTSD. I haven’t officially diagnosed, but I’ve lived a life of emotion & physical abuse. Those memories haunt me still, even though I have been safe for 5 years now.

    • Hey Christina!

      I’m glad you’re in a better situation now, and things are improving for you.

      With PTSD, it is very likely that your stress levels are going up and your ability to think is depressed. We will recommend using vitamins and proper nutrition in order to help your body overcome some of the stress is.

      I also recommend you talk to a professional in order to help you overcome some of the issues you’ve faced. Psychologists and psychiatrists are two professional options, but you might also want to look at professional hypnotherapist and professional life coaches. They can both help you work through issues and move on.

      We also recommend you look at the articles for some of the brain supplements we have here, especially the ones that help stress levels and memory function.

  • I love to read but just cannot stay focused on any novel. Reading has also been my mental medication but I can’t stay focused on a novel. Please help me.

    • Hi Sonya!

      We feel your pain, because we love to read as well.

      A lot of times when it comes to focus, you really are missing some essential vitamins and minerals that allow you to sit for a long period of time.

      Supplementing with some of the vitamins and minerals here can help you. We also recommend eating more fruits and vegetables because they contain a lot of the vitamins and minerals our body looks for.

      You should also be checked out by your doctor, so you know there are no problems that could cause you to lack focus.

  • Can you please reccomendation a vitamin that help with moodiness and irratabilty. I snappy and downright NOT me. I am desperate for any vitamin or suggestions.

    • Hi again Sonya!

      Our favorite supplement is magnesium. It can help greatly with moodiness and irritability, especially for women.

      We use magnesium in over 300 processes in our body and many people are deficient in it.

      We recommend trying the other vitamins and minerals here as well because they greatly help focus you and keep you calm.

  • Hiiiiii guys !!!!!
    I have one doubt that is
    U told that magnesium is relief head ache
    So that’s my question is in which food contain magnesium??????????

    • Hey Divya!

      You are right. Magnesium can relieve some headaches.

      Almost all fruits and vegetables contain magnesium. The ones with the most amount of magnesium are the green leafy vegetables. That’s because magnesium binds the chlorophyll like iron Vines the hemoglobin in our blood.

      Other foods that are rich in magnesium are nuts and seeds, the brand of grains, and dark chocolate.

      You will not find magnesium with in processed foods. It was one of those nutrients that become leached out and destroyed during the process of preservation. Also, many of the chemicals used in processed foods bind to magnesium.

      So we recommend eating lots of natural foods and if you need more supplementation, look for a supplement that has pharmacopeia seal.

  • Thank you for the article. My son is 17, diagnosed ADHD and OCD in the 4th grade. Concerta worked for a couple of years, but then noticed it no longer worked and gave my son side affects. I have been on a supplement path for the past year. Bought and researched alot of vitamins/minerals/amino acids. His amino acid testing came back normal (no deficiency in dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine). What works for a limited time is Coffee (caffeine) and Gaba. What doesnt work (makes my son agitated, more anxious, depressed) is magnesium. Some times i feel if i give him Magnesium and zinc combined, he is fine. His school issues are not being able to focus, concentrate. He needs to move around. Any suggestions for the right combination? He is currently on strattera (low dose; makes him tired) and a B Stress Complex vitamin, Fish oil.

    • Hi Diana!

      Thank you for your question.

      We haven’t heard of magnesium causing more health issues than they solve. We will have to research more into that before we can make any suggestions.

      Caffeine and GABA also very good for helping concentration for work short time, as you said.

      We recommend visiting a nutritionist or an herbalist in order to see if there is a natural approach to help your child.

  • it was very helpful because my son into brain injury brain accident last year in his job a major concussion and he’s lost memory and where he can’t remember things 38 years old so I am going to get some of these vitamins because the prescription medicine that they have him on five of them is feel like it’s making him worse and I’m going to get these vitamins and I’m going to see if they can improve his brain memory and his brain health and his body thank you for this information

    • Hello, Dianna!

      I’m very happy this information has helped you and maybe will help to your son too. I wish him a fast healing and better health! Thank you!

  • Good News. A good presentation. I will try it, especially the B vitamins. Live in a nursing home and the diet is something else. Thanks for making it easier. Ann

    • Hey Ann!

      Thanks for the compliment.

      Good luck with the B vitamins.

      While it’s not easy living in a nursing home focusing on getting as many fruits and vegetables into your diet will be very helpful.

      Supplementation will also help.

    • Hey Leena!

      There are many causes and treatment for autism.

      We recommend talking to your doctor to discover the cause and the best treatment plan.

      We do know that making sure a complete nutritional plan that meets all of her daily needs for vitamins and minerals will help her brain to function at the best of her abilities.

      Sometimes supplements can help, sometimes they can be a detriment.

      We do recommend you work with a doctor and a nutritionist in order to discover the best possible plan for your daughter.

  • Hi! I am planning to take Iron with Vitamin C, does it have any benefits with brain health, like for example memory, focus and concentration?..Do you have any suggestion on how to improve my focus, memory and concentration? and could you explain to me the benefits of a multivitamins?

    • Hey Karla!

      Multivitamins are based on the premise that taking all the vitamins together in one convenient package helps people to remember to take their vitamins.

      Unfortunately, many of the multi-vitamins are passed through a person’s digestive system unaffected. Plus, many people don’t actually need to take a multi-vitamin to be healthy.

      Iron is a good supplement to take if you are female. As women menstruate, they lose a lot of iron from their system. Supplementing helps.

      Men on the other hand rarely need an iron supplement.

      Vitamin C is also very important antioxidant. It’s not necessary to take with the iron, but it can help improve iron absorption. Vitamin C is good overall for your health.

      What iron will help with mentally is to improve oxygen circulation in your body which will help improve your focus and concentration.

  • Hi Dima,

    Thank you for this informative post. I am currently looking to improve my focus/concentration (reading and listening skills), memory, and most of all motivation/energy as I am always falling asleep after coming home from work. Is it ok to take all of your recommended vitamins at their recommended dosage?

    At the moment, I currently VitaMedica Clear Skin Formula:

    Soybean Oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water, Magnesium Stearate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Yellow Beeswax, Lecithin, Turmeric, And Annatto. Supplement Facts: Vitamin A (From Betatene) 12,500 IU, Vitamin A (As Palmitate) 5,000 IU, Vitamin E (As Mixed Tocopherols) 15 IU, Zinc 24MG, Selenium (Chelate) 48 Mcg., Chromium (Chelate) 150 Mcg.

    Proprietary Blend (781 Mg): Bromelain (1,800 Milk Clotting Units), Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Burdock Root, Dandelion (Root), Oregon Grape (Root), Yellow Dock (Root), Hyaluronic Acid (From Injuv), Green Tea Extract (80% Polyphenols) (Camellia Sinensis), Pycnogenol, Coenzyme Q10, Tocotrienols (From Tocotrienols 30%).

    I actually take (1) Vitamin A pill every day, and (1) proprietary blend every other day as I think 12,500 would be too much Vitamin A every day, and I’m looking to add other supplements. I also take 5-htp. And omega-3.

    May I ask what are your thoughts on taking all these supplements? Is it ok to add all your recommendations or do you suggest just a few?

    Thank you so much,


    • Hey, Angel!

      Thank you for your question.

      Many of these are great supplements and help many people.

      If you’re feeling good on them, then they are working for you.

      In order to say if they are best for you, we would have to meet you in person and do a full metabolic work upon your blood and tissues. It’s impossible for us to say right now if these supplements are working perfectly for you. We just don’t know you well enough yet to say if you should drop some or at others.

  • I am a victim of memory loss problem off and on , forget to speak the real stories or facts in public . Now I am a 51 year old (male) . I wish to know what type of food habit I have to adopt regularly to eliminate my angryness and boost my energy to do physical work.
    Tikendra Baruah
    Guwahati Assam

    • Hey Tikendra,

      Those are several issues in such a short little paragraph.

      The one thing that jumped out at me is the public speaking. Many people become tongue-tied and forgetful when in public. A good way to overcome that is to visit the local Toastmasters organization. This group helps people to become more comfortable speaking in public and overcome this fear. Toastmasters proudly boasts they have chapters in every country of the world.

      The other issues are a little bit more challenging. Anger and lack of energy point to a deficiency in your diet. Focusing your diet more towards fruits and vegetables and less reliance on sugary foods, look like bread, will aid this.

      We recommend visiting a nutritionist in order to match your diet to exactly what you need.

  • hi love your work will I need a advise from you I’m 38 and most times I forget things easily also I loss focus when I’m in meeting or long time setting in a place so what kind of supplements do you suggest that I should have thank.

  • Hello Dima,
    My question- should I be taking a supplement for B12, which one? And would I need a higher /lower dose? Please suggest a better option, contains all vitamin b and c also.

    Thanks in advance.
    Nutri Lounge

    • Hey, Nutri Lounge!

      This is a question we get often. If you are eating meat or eggs, you should not need to supplement vitamin B12 at all. It is a rare condition that people are not able to absorb this vitamin, and by the time they know they need supplementation, they are already working with their doctor. Most of the time, people need other B vitamins, like thiamine, vitamin B6, and riboflavin. Also, do not supplement just the B vitamins. We need so many different nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that just supplementing one will not help your body.

      Thank you!

  • Hi there!
    I have a laundry list but will try and keep it short.

    1) what are the different functions, or pros and cons between vitamins, minerals, herbs, nootropics(?), supplements, and anything else?
    2) people with the gastric sleeve, will higher doses suffice for lack of consumption?
    3) dx of depression, and dx ADD
    4) memory bad my whole life, now it’s getting worse. always at a loss for words and forget recent events.
    5) accutane (took 5x courses over last 20 years) it was a true life changer. I was depressed going off it, cystic acne always comes back, then I don’t go anywhere, then depression, it’s a big cycle. Can I just take a high dose of Vitamin A? Other ideas?
    6) just getting over Stage 3 melanoma. I need to get my immune system strong to sustain whatever may come down the pike. (Other than exercise & eating right, thoughts?)
    7) sugar sugar sugar. Help. I know sugar feeds cancer, contributes to so many problems mentioned here, what can help with cravings?
    8) is B12 5000mcg good for any of this?

    I know it’s a lot here, but I think some of these are connected. I’ve just started seeing a Nutritionist at MSK, learning how chewing triggers certain steps in the body to be broken down and converted for use. And vitamins absorbed in your mouth vs. via pills have benefits.

    There is a lot to learn and lots of questions. Anything you can add would be kindly appreciated.

    Kind regards

    • Hey, Kim!

      This is certainly a list. I’m going to hit on some of these and we’ll put together an article to see if we can cover some of the others. For people with a gastric sleeve, or have had gastric bypass surgery, they need vitamins in order to make up for their inability to eat enough food. However, because of our inability to absorb certain vitamins in large quantities, high doses of any vitamin are not recommended. Small doses multiple times a day will absorb better and be more value for your money. As for the B12, if you’re eating meats, you do not need B12 supplementation unless there is a physical defect. And sugar inhibits absorption of all vitamins. If you want to make sure you’re absorbing your vitamins, keep the sugar low.

      Hope it helps. Thank you!

  • I am suffering from memory loss due to aspartame in diet drinks, what natural vitamin would help.most and what would the dose and time to give it to work?

    • Hey Karen!

      We’re sorry to hear about your issues, I actually have a friend who’s going to the same thing.

      What has been the most help has been to completely eliminate all chemical sweeteners and reduce the amount of sugars in the diet.

      Then, we made sure her diet was filled with lots of fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy ones.

      Once we got her diet stabilized, we found that much of her memory loss and trouble concentrating were able to go away.

      Then, we began looking at supplements and found she really didn’t need any.

      We recommend following the same steps because it will allow your body to naturally get back on track.

      Working with a nutritionist will also help you clear your system of the toxins.

  • This is by far one of the most concise, instructive, and interesting articles I have ever read about vitamin-intake. It is very well written and it has valuable information. Many thanks for writing it!!! Will definitely pass it on!

    • Hey Alice!

      Thank you so much for the compliment.

      We are glad you got good information on it and you are willing to help us out by passing it on.

  • I just landed on this site and I found this information really worth. I was searching for best vitamin for brain health earlier and I found this wonderful information. Thanks Dima!

  • Hi Dima, this is a great read and spot on. Thank you for sharing. Brain supplements of vitamins, in general, are great for people who desire to boost their focus, memory or even energy levels. Even though they should be used as an addition to rather than a replacement of a healthy nutrition plan, they can extensively provide health benefits. Personal favorites gingko biloba, l-tyrosine, and l-theanine.
    Thanks again, John

    • Hey, John!

      Thanks for the great compliment. The supplements you mentioned are also ones that we prefer. In many of our articles, you’ll find the same information you just posted. These work as part of a plan that includes a healthy diet.

  • I have been having memory, concentration, focus, depression, anxiety problems for several years now. I am wanting to seek natural ways to help with some of this stuff vs. antidepressants etc. Would any of these vitamins that you stated help? I have been diagnosed with depression years and years ago. Have tried many different antidepressants and very little positive results. Just last week I went and saw a PhD psychologist, and didn’t even know she was just a psychologist, she doesn’t prescribe meds. Apparently she works with the primary care doctors within the office to help people with mental problems. She referred me out to counseling and said I should take the Celexa that my PCP prescribed months ago that I have not started. She said she only sees patients once a month. So, I am seeking natural ways to deal with this stuff. Can you please email me, thanks!

    • Hey TJL!

      This is a problem, and we’ll be glad to help. The vitamins we recommend do well to help improve brain chemistry and balance many of the issues that you mentioned. We recommend talking to a nutritionist or naturopath to obtain unique and customized set of supplements that will benefit you the most. We do not recommend trying many of these supplements together on your own or going any more than the recommended dose. This could be detrimental to your health. We also recommend that you continue working with the psychologist and your doctor to avoid any health problems that may occur with taking additional supplements or not taking prescription medication.

      • Christina,
        Well, I have tried the combination of B complex (That has Vit C in it), 2000 IU vit D, 400 IU Vit E, 250mg Magnesium, 1200mg Fish Oil (360mg Omega 3), and have not noticed any difference in the weeks that I have been taking them. No increase in energy, no decrease in depression/anxiety, and no benefit for my memory/concentration problems. I am not currently on any anti depressants/anti anxiety meds because I do not like their side effects. I guess I will have to suffer on…

        • Hey TJL!

          There are many different causes to the issues that you were experiencing. It could be that this combination is either not enough for what is going on in your system or there is an additional deficiency that is causing the problem. We recommend that you talk with a nutritionist to go over your diet, lifestyle, and supplements to make sure you are getting everything you need in the proper quantities.

          Thank you!

      • I am not currently on any anti depressants…I was trying these combos to see if it would help me naturally but it really has not. Not with my anxiety/depression, not with my memory and concentration problems. I think I am going to have to go see somebody for it.

  • Help! No Focus and Concentration! I love to read but just cannot stay focused on reading a novel. My mind keeps wandering away. I’m desperate for help, something that will really work. Please respond to my desperate focus and concentration requests.

    • Hey Sonya!

      This is a rough problem. Many of the vitamins we recommend here will help you. We also have some other supplements that help improve focus and concentration. Check out some of the articles on the website and let us know if you think any of these products will be a help to you.

    • Hey Angel!

      This is a good question. Generally, people take all of these supplements together in low doses. It helps improve memory and focus when they work together. There are many more vitamins and minerals that do help. We just focus on these seven because they are the most popular.

  • Hello! Not sure if you’re still responding to this article but I was wondering if it’s ok to take all of the vitamins you mentioned ( namely magnesium, b6, omega 3, folate, vit c) together and at the same time? Will they interact with each other or food? I am learning a new topic in a short amount of time so I need the focus and memory. Thank you!

    • Hey Linda!

      This is a good question. In most people, taking all of these supplements at the same time causes no absorption issue or interactions. People with impaired digestive systems, such as ulcers, IBS, or Crohn’s disease, may have a more difficult time digesting supplements and may need different forms of the supplement. Additionally, some brands of supplements they have coatings or fillers that cause unintentional interactions. We recommend searching out brands that have the US Pharmacopoeia seal (or related country’s seal) to ensure quality.

      Thank you!

  • Bought cellvamp supplement for better concentration and focus, as I am a college student. I am very pleased with cellvamp pills, it delivered its promises! Many supplements don’t so I was skeptical upon ordering but I will buy again.

    • Hey Sally!

      Thanks for sharing with us. I hope some of our readers will benefit from it.

  • Bought cellvamp focus supplements to help me with my exams and concentration and I feel I am focusing much easier and feeling more relaxed. I have recommended it to my friend who is undergoing exams soon as well. Great product with great quality.

    • Hey Vesna!

      Thank you for sharing. Will be sure to keep sharing so more people know about this product.

  • I am suffering from memory loss and unable to concentrate on any thing. Please suggest me some food which useful for my brain. Thank you.

  • Very informative, I agree with you, all of those foods are good for the brain. Also any nuts are good as they contain magnesium and B vitamins. White fish is also good for the brain too.

  • Has helped considerably with short-term memory I find. Cellvamp supplement was not an overnight dream come true, but found over the month, taking two pills a day, I have noticed a difference. Actually, have it on the auto-ship because I don’t feel the need to shop around for a better product.

    • Hey Linda!

      Thanks for your recommendation. Glad this works for you, and you’re finding success. We may be doing a full article on this supplement sometime soon, so thank you for your testimonial. You are the second person who wrote us about Cellvamp.

  • I Ordered cellvamp supplement at the beginning of the semester to help with focus for school work. It was delivered within 3 days which was faster than expected. I’ve been taking it for about a week and I seem to be less scatterbrained. So far I am highly satisfied.

    • Hey Nancy!

      Congratulations on finding a supplement that works for you. Sometimes, all we need is a little extra boost to help get our thoughts together and be more productive. We’re going to take a little bit deeper look into this and maybe write a whole article on it. Thanks for your testimonial.

  • Great article i became a vegan i fully understand the consequence of not having vitamin B12 on my body. I even have a vitamin B12 shot so my body can have vitamin B12.

  • this article is very good. this article gave information about Magnesium and vitamin c very useful for me. thanks for the good information.